javascript - Angular: Selecting elements from DOM -

i'm using ng-repeat create items. determine height of each element created using function.

i know how pass index of element created ng-repeat function should determine height, i'm getting stuck in selecting item.

this i'm using now:

   $scope.getitemheight = function(index) { // index index of element in ng-repeat     var itemheight = angular.element('li').eq('+index+').offsetheight;     return itemheight;    }; 

but doesn't work due error: error: [jqlite:nosel] looking elements via selectors not supported jqlite!

i tried:

   $scope.getitemheight = function(index) {     var itemheight = document.queryselectorall('ul:nth-child('+index+')');     return itemheight;    }; 

this returns element length 0 selector doesn't work.

what missing here?

codepen here:

edit: want not possible @ time. more information here:

edit: after looking @ further seems bit more complicated. directive firing repeater needs run in order lis rendered, li rendered (assuming move directive) triggers directive height, li , it's corresponding data not yet rendered , have no height. if wait rendering using timeout, repeater continue rendering without valid height data while timeout waits. seems have bit of conundrum. might try using or of like.

this should put in directive give easy access li rendered.

something like:

.directive('getheight', ['$filter', function ($filter) {     'use strict';      return {         restrict: 'a',         scope: true,         link: function (scope, element, attrs) {             var li = element[0];             var height = li.offsetheight;             console.log('height': height)         }     }; }]); 

not sure you're looking height once have it...

otherwise can go:

var ul=document.getelementsbytagname('ul')[0]; var li=ul.getelementsbytagname('li')[index]; var height=li.offsetheight; 


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