c# - automapper create.map() to a collection property -

how map collection of property interested last record of collection.

say, like.

public class itemdto <-- destination class {   public string name { get; set; }   public decimal pricesprice { get; set; } }  public class item <-- source class {   public int id { get; set; }   public string name { get; set; }    public virtual icollection<price> prices { get; set; } }  public class price <-- source class {   public int id { get; set; }   public int itemid { get; set; }   public decimal price { get; set; }    public virtual item item { get; set; } } 

then have tried this, doesn't seems right.

mapper.createmap<item, itemdto>()                 .formember(dto => dto.pricesprice, opt => opt.mapfrom(s => s.prices.lastordefault().price)); 

edit: , after did projection because if use mapper.map() return entire result set not want, want values needed. did this:


well, basically, want this:

from item in somedbcontext.items item.itemid == 1 select new itemdto {   name = item.name,   pricesprice = item.prices.lastordefault() } 

can above code done using automapper?

i think understand trying now.

try this

from item in somedbcontext.items item.itemid == 1 select mapper.map<itemdto>(item) 

or use linq

somedbcontext.items.where(i=> i.itemid == 1).select(mapper.map<itemdto>) 

both of these return list of itemdto object itemid 1
