sql - Group by with Case and Subquery -

i'm having problems when performing grouping following sql:

select      case           when  t = '11' 'v'           when (t = '20' or t = '25') 's'      end [ty],      convert(char(3), dateex, 101) + convert(char(4), dateex, 120) [fecha], count(*) [total],       sum (case when  codlastestado in (3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13) 1 else 0 end ) [c1],     sum (case when  codlastestado in (4,5,6) 1 else 0 end ) [c2],     (     select count(*)     (select t.line, t.vto, t.subtypo           (select c.line, convert(char(3), c.dateex, 101) + convert(char(4), c.dateex, 120) [vto],                        row_number() on (partition a.numid order a.fechaaccion desc) fila, subtypo                 acciones a, contratos c                 a.numid = c.numid                       , (c.codlastestado in (10,11) , a.idcodtipoestado in (4,5,6))                        , c.brand = 'mouse'                             ) t           t.fila = 1          )as q        q.vto = convert(char(3), contratos.dateex, 101) + convert(char(4), contratos.dateex, 120)     , q.subtypo = contratos.subtypo     ) [chco],         sum (case when  codlastsubestado in (56,46,36,3,13,24) 1 else 0 end ) [n],  contratos brand = 'mini' , dateex between '01/11/2014' , '30/11/2014' group subtypo, convert(char(3), contratos.dateex, 101) + convert(char(4), contratos.dateex, 120) 

the syntax correct, showing following:

ty||total||c1||c2||chco||n  s || 120 ||5 ||50||  3 ||0 s ||   1 ||0 ||0 ||  1 ||0 v ||   3 ||0 ||0 ||  0 ||0 

i tried many things displayed follows, have not got, ideas?

ty||total||c1||c2||chco||n  s || 121 ||5 ||50||  4 ||0 v ||   3 ||0 ||0 ||  0 ||0 

might not fastest solution, whenever have result want re-aggregate can put subselect.

select ty,    sum(c1) [c1],    sum(c2) [c2],    sum(chco) [chco],    sum(n) [n] (   // original query ) subselect group ty 
