Splitting a factor at a space in R -

i want split x (which factor)

dd = data.frame(x = c("29-4-2014 06:00:00", "9-4-2014 12:00:00", "9-4-2014 00:00:00", "6-5-2014 00:00:00" ,"7-4-2014 00:00:00" , "29-5-2014 00:00:00"))            x 29-4-2014 06:00:00  9-4-2014 12:00:00  9-4-2014 00:00:00  6-5-2014 00:00:00  7-4-2014 00:00:00 29-5-2014 00:00:00 

at horizontal space , 2 columns as:

  x.date   x.time 29-4-2014 06:00:00  9-4-2014 12:00:00  9-4-2014 00:00:00  6-5-2014 00:00:00  7-4-2014 00:00:00 29-5-2014 00:00:00 

any suggestion appreciated!

here approach using lubridate:

dd = data.frame(x = c("29-4-2014 06:00:00", "9-4-2014 12:00:00", "9-4-2014 00:00:00", "6-5-2014 00:00:00" ,"7-4-2014 00:00:00" , "29-5-2014 00:00:00"),                 stringsasfactors = false) 

note use of stringsasfactors = false, prevents dates being read factors.

library(lubridate)  dd2 <- transform(dd,x2 = dmy_hms(x)) transform(dd2, the_year = year(x2))                     x                  x2 the_year 1 29-4-2014 06:00:00 2014-04-29 06:00:00     2014 2  9-4-2014 12:00:00 2014-04-09 12:00:00     2014 3  9-4-2014 00:00:00 2014-04-09 00:00:00     2014 4  6-5-2014 00:00:00 2014-05-06 00:00:00     2014 5  7-4-2014 00:00:00 2014-04-07 00:00:00     2014 6 29-5-2014 00:00:00 2014-05-29 00:00:00     2014 


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