php - Access a database without a password? -

i new sql database , wondering if user can have access database without providing password. or have pass in empty password field 'pwd' => ''

sample code password filed removed:

    $conninfo = array(             'database' => 'mystore',             'uid' => 'admin_user',             /*password field removed*/             'returndatesasstrings' => true               );     $connectstring = sqlsrv_connect('', $conninfo) or die("can't connect database");       $query = 'select * products';         $data = sqlsrv_query($connectstring, $query) or die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(sqlsrv_err_all), true));          while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($data))         {         //graduate         echo "<tr>";             echo "  " .$row['name'] ."  -  " .$row['email'] ." ";         echo "</tr><br>";            }     sqlsrv_free_stmt($data);     sqlsrv_free_stmt($query);     ?> 

i doing testing purposes , not going upload in website without password. can please tell me if syntax of above code valid?

there 2 ways connect sql database:

1) using sql password need specified credentials

2) or using domain authentication, credentials same logged in pc: option 1: data source=localhost; initial catalog=master;trusted connection = true option 2: data source=localhost; initial catalog=master;integrated security=sspi

but can check following link find connection string databases , variants of connection:

regards. majahide


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