php - How to trace/fix an SQL syntax error? -

i'm trying import huge database file local dev environment fix errors i'm getting on magento back-end. fixed issue wouldn't import based on size, time, , memory. i've uncovered gem of error says sql syntax wrong.

not sure how that's possible because exact file we're using in production still, it's driving me nuts. appreciated.

sql query: delimiter ; ;

mysql said: documentation

#1064 - have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near 'create*/ /!50017 definer=root@localhost/ /*!50003 trigger trg_catalog_prod' @ line 1

    delimiter ;;      /*!50003 create*/ /*!50017 definer=`root`@`localhost`*/ /*!50003 trigger trg_catalog_product_website_after_insert     after insert     on catalog_product_website each row     begin     insert ignore `cataloginventory_stock_status_cl` (`product_id`) values (new.`product_id`);     insert ignore `catalogsearch_fulltext_cl` (`product_id`) values (new.`product_id`);     insert ignore `catalog_product_index_price_cl` (`entity_id`) values (new.`product_id`); 


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