java - How to send received jsessionid via spring 4 resttemplate -

i'm writing messenger javafx , spring4 on client-site , spring4 on server-site. secured server spring-security 3.2. problem: have loginpage on client witch sends login information spring-security , receive jsessionid cookie. works fine when try send jsessionid request become

org.springframework.web.client.restclientexception: not extract response: no suitable httpmessageconverter found response type [class] , content type [text/html;charset=utf-8] 

server inizializer

public class springmvcinitializer extends     abstractannotationconfigdispatcherservletinitializer {      @override     protected class<?>[] getrootconfigclasses() {         return new class[] {applicationconfig.class};     }      @override     protected class<?>[] getservletconfigclasses() {         return new class[] {webconfig.class};     }      @override     protected string[] getservletmappings() {         return new string[] {"/"};     } } 

server securityinizializer

public class springsecurityinitializer extends     abstractsecuritywebapplicationinitializer { } 

server securityconfig

@configuration @enablewebsecurity public class securityconfig extends websecurityconfigureradapter {      @autowired     private drivermanagerdatasource datasource;      @override     protected void configure(authenticationmanagerbuilder auth) throws exception {         string authquery = "select userid, authority user userid = ?";         string userquery = "select userid, pw, enabled user userid = ?";          auth.jdbcauthentication().datasource(datasource)             .passwordencoder(passwordencoder())             .usersbyusernamequery(userquery)             .authoritiesbyusernamequery(authquery);      }      @override     protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception {           http             .authorizerequests()                 .antmatchers("/register").permitall()                 .antmatchers("/getconvs", "/getcontacts").hasrole("user")                 .and()             .formlogin()                 .and()             .csrf().disable();     }      @bean     public authenticationentrypoint authenticationentrypoint() {         return new;     }      @bean     public successhandler successhandler() {         return new successhandler();     }      @bean     public simpleurlauthenticationfailurehandler failurehandler() {         return new simpleurlauthenticationfailurehandler();     }      @bean     public authenticationmanager authenticationmanager() throws exception {         return super.authenticationmanager();     }      @bean     public passwordencoder passwordencoder() {     return new bcryptpasswordencoder(11);     } } 

server requestmapping secured "page"

@requestmapping(value="/getconvs", method={requestmethod.get},         produces={mediatype.application_json_value}) public @responsebody jsonconversationresult getconvslist(httpservletrequest request, @requestparam(value="uid") string uid){     jsonconversationresult ret = new jsonconversationresult();     map<string, map<date, string>> convs = convservice.getconvslist(uid);     if (convs != null) {         ret.setconversations(convs);         ret.setmessage("ok");         ret.seterror(0);     } else {         ret.seterror(1);         ret.setmessage("verbindungsfehler");     }     return ret; } 

client send login , cookie

    map<string, string> loginform = new hashmap<string, string>();     loginform.put("username", user);     loginform.put("password", pw);     httpentity<map<string, string>> login = new httpentity<map<string, string>>(loginform);      responseentity<httpservletresponse> response =             "http://localhost:8080/messenger-webapp/login",    ,              login,              httpservletresponse.class);      httpheaders headers = response.getheaders();     set<string> keys = headers.keyset();     string cookie = "";     (string header : keys) {         if (header.equals("set-cookie")) {             cookie = headers.get(header).get(0);         }     }     string jsessionid = cookie.split(";")[0];     conf.setjsessionid(jsessionid.split("=", 2)[1]);     return ret; 

client send jsessionid request

    responseentity<jsonconversationresult> response =             "http://localhost:8080/messenger-webapp/getconvs?uid=" + uid,              httpmethod.get,              getauthheader(),              jsonconversationresult.class);      jsonconversationresult ret = response.getbody();     return ret;      private httpentity<string> getauthheader() {         httpheaders requestheaders = new httpheaders();         requestheaders.add("cookie", "jsessionid=" + config.getjsessionid());         return new httpentity<string>(requestheaders);     } 

i hope can me.


ok figured out problem not jsessionid wasn't sent correctly. login incorrect , query user database.

the correct login-post

clienthttpresponse response = resttemplate.execute(             "http://localhost:8080/messenger-webapp/login",   ,             new requestcallback() {                  @override                 public void dowithrequest(clienthttprequest request) throws ioexception {                     request.getbody().write(("username=" + user + "&password=" + pw).getbytes());                 }             },             new responseextractor<clienthttpresponse>() {                  @override                 public clienthttpresponse extractdata(clienthttpresponse response)                         throws ioexception {                     return response;                 }             }); 

the correct query

string authquery = "select u.userid, r.role_name user u, role r, user_role u.dbid = a.user_id , r.dbid = a.role_id , u.userid = ?"; 

i hope other people. if has alternative please let me know.

ok figured out problem not jsessionid wasn't sent correctly. login incorrect , query user database.

the correct login-post

clienthttpresponse response = resttemplate.execute(             "http://localhost:8080/messenger-webapp/login",   ,             new requestcallback() {                  @override                 public void dowithrequest(clienthttprequest request) throws ioexception {                     request.getbody().write(("username=" + user + "&password=" + pw).getbytes());                 }             },             new responseextractor<clienthttpresponse>() {                  @override                 public clienthttpresponse extractdata(clienthttpresponse response)                         throws ioexception {                     return response;                 }             }); 

the correct query

string authquery = "select u.userid, r.role_name user u, role r, user_role u.dbid = a.user_id , r.dbid = a.role_id , u.userid = ?"; 

i hope other people. if has alternative please let me know.
