lua - Corona runtime addEventListener to be execute inside if else condition -

how run function "runtime:addeventlistener("notification", onnotification)" inside if else condition. function register gcm, default keep registering everytime open app. wanted is, call remote db save regid of device, , if exist, dont register again gcm. how do that?

local function networklistener( event )     if ( event.iserror )             print( "network error!")     else             local json = require "json"             local t = json.decode(event.response)             local status = t.status             local isreg = t.isregistered             print(event.response)             if (isreg == "1")                 native.showalert("success",isreg,{"ok"})             else                 native.showalert("fail",isreg,{"ok"})                 runtime:addeventlistener("notification", onnotification)             end      end end 

below onnotification runtime function

-- called when notification event has been received. local function onnotification(event) print("onnotification berjalan")      if event.type == "remoteregistration"         -- device has been registered google cloud messaging     (gcm) push notifications.         -- store registration id assigned application     google.         googleregistrationid = event.token          -- display message indicating registration successful.         local message = "this app has registered google push notifications."         --native.showalert("information", message, { "ok" })         printtable(message);          local function submitreg( event )         if ( event.iserror )             print( "network error!")         else             local json = require "json"             local t = json.decode(event.response)             print(t)                     end         end          local headers = {}          headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"         headers["accept-language"] = "en-us"          local body = "key=5b41b02152251a3c19a5c3ac88c074cf11aacb19&uid="..tostring(googleregistrationid)          local params = {}         params.headers = headers         params.body = body          print("running submit " , body)          network.request( "", "post", submitreg, params)            -- print registration event log.         print("### --- registration event ---")         printtable(event)      else         -- push notification has been received. print log.         print("### --- notification event ---")         printtable(event.response)     end  end 

above current code. runtime function won't execute within if else condition. how can make executing ?

it because time run check network request still in process.


local function networklistener( event )  if event.phase == "ended"       if ( event.iserror )             print( "network error!")     else             local json = require "json"             local t = json.decode(event.response)             local status = t.status             local isreg = t.isregistered             print(event.response)             if (isreg == "1")                 native.showalert("success",isreg,{"ok"})             else                 native.showalert("fail",isreg,{"ok"})                 runtime:addeventlistener("notification", onnotification)             end      end end  end 
