css3 - CSS border curvature -

could please explain why have such curved border outlined on picture attached?

here css:

.fourth-article-category {     border-bottom: 4px solid #5692b1; } article {     border-left: 1px solid #ebebeb;     border-right: 1px solid #ebebeb; } 

and html:

<article class="fourth-article-category">  <img src="img/article_4_photo.jpg" width="470" height="345" title="a-rod, fraud, , waste of                              yankees money, public's time" />   <section>     <div class="article-info"> <span class="date">25 july 2013</span> <span class="comments-quantity"><a href="#">6 comments</a></span> </div>     <div class="article-preview">       <h3>a-rod, fraud, , waste of          yankees money, public's time</h3>       <p>enough already.  can’t take no more.  free enslavement          banter. ok, fit of anger morning not steroid-         induced…though fitting in light of recent discussions.         baseball talk of late has centered upon performance enhancing          drugs.  biogenesis has become new balco.  a-rod new          barry bonds. , hear various media types          questions like.</p>     </div>   </section> </article> 

enter image description here

it's absolutely normal: have different border-width values and different border-color values horizontal , vertical borders. since edge between these angled, 'curvature' appears. see here in action: http://jsfiddle.net/qqtc2/4/ (the 'hover' bit)

you better, if used 2 outer divs, form borders. outer div top , bottom, , inner left , right border.

<div class="outer">     <div class="inner">better</div> </div> 

.outer {     border: 4px solid black;     border-left-width: 0;     border-right-width: 0;     width: 102px; } .outer .inner {     border: 1px solid lightgray;     border-top-width: 0;     border-bottom-width: 0;     height: 100px;     text-align: center;     line-height: 100px;  } 
