ios - UIImage as method return value -

having first dab @ xcode (5.1.1) today.

i trying associate image uiimageview component inside table view cell. direct reference image works, via method call fails:

- (uitableviewcell *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview cellforrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {     uitableviewcell *cell = [tableview dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier:@"personcell" ];      person *person = (self.persons)[indexpath.row];      uilabel *labelname = (uilabel *)[cell viewwithtag:50];     labelname.text =;      uiimageview *imageviewpic = (uiimageview *)[cell viewwithtag:51];      // works ok     //imageviewpic.image = [uiimage imagenamed:@"ticks"];      // fails (no image in cell)     //[imageviewpic setimage:[self imageforscore:person.score]];     imageviewpic.image = [self imageforscore:person.score];      return cell; }  -(uiimage *)imageforscore:(int)score {     switch (score) {         case 1: return [uiimage imagenamed:@"tick"];         case 2: return [uiimage imagenamed:@"cross"];     }     return nil; } 

i've confirmed valid score of 1 or 2 passed in, image in cell blank (via method call).

what missing?

if you've confirmed score 1 or 2 when method called, there 2 logical sources of problem:

  1. the call imagenamed failing. there couple of possible reasons why fail:

    • are tick , cross images included in bundle (under "copy bundle resoures")?

      bundle contents

      or if using images.xcassets, images there?

      either way, confirm capitalization of image name.

    • you're not providing extension. if loading bundle resources (but not images.xcassets), have specify extension if file not png file (e.g. if jpeg file). try specifying extension if not using images.xcassets.

  2. if, on other hand, confirm imageforscore returning valid uiimage, might want confirm imageviewpic correct.

    • it's possible imageviewpic, itself, nil (perhaps subview tag of 51 not found).

    • i might suggest confirming other properties of imageviewpic (e.g. frame valid, hidden flag not turned on, etc.).
