javascript - How to find the name of variable where object is created? -

i have object called 2 different variables. there way find out - inside object function - variable calling it?

  sp = new selectedplaylists("tableselectedplaylists");   sa = new selectedplaylists("tableselectedalbums"); 

these 2 variables

i think create variable inside selectedplaylistsclass determine type of playlists , pass trhough constructor:

sp = new selectedplaylists("tableselectedplaylists", "p"); sa = new selectedplaylists("tableselectedalbums", "a"); 

in consctructor:

function selectedplaylists(id, type) {     // ... code ...     var managetype=type;     var buttonlabel='';     switch(type)    {        case 'p':            // playlist mode            this.buttonlabel='remove playlist';        case 'a':            // album mode            this.buttonlabel='remove album';    } } 

store second param in variable (for example managetype) , use when needed (take textonclick var):

selectedplaylists.prototype.addplaylist = function (id, name) { if( !id ) return -1; var = this; var tablebody = this.reftable.children('tbody'); var found = false; var rownode = this.getrownodebyplaylistid(id);  if(rownode) {   return -1; } this.arrplaylists.push({id:id,name:name}); demo = typeof this;  tablebody.append("<tr><td class='name'>"+name+"</td><td class='id'>"+id+"</td><td><button style='background:none!important;border:none;padding:0!important;border-bottom:1px solid #444; cursor: pointer' onclick='sp.removerowwithtd( $(this)); console.log($(this))'>"+this.buttonlabel+"</button></td></tr>"); 

thus, code better reuse , control , configuration done in constructor.

hope helps!
