osx - Catching Logoff (not power off) event on MAC using objective C -

can tell me how can catch user logoff event? able catch poweroff event using nsworkspacewillpoweroffnotification notification. not showing difference in logoff , power off events. want catch log off , power off separately. able catch same on windows.

first, have make sure app not participating in sudden termination. if is, can killed @ logout without opportunity react.

now, when user logs out, app kaequitapplication ('quit') apple event. have same effect invocation of -[nsapplication terminate:]. can implement application delegate method -applicationshouldterminate: notified of request quit , control app's response it.

in delegate method, can use code examine quit event , learn reason quit request:

    nsappleeventmanager* m = [nsappleeventmanager sharedappleeventmanager];     nsappleeventdescriptor* desc = [m currentappleevent];      switch ([[desc attributedescriptorforkeyword:kaequitreason] int32value])     {         case kaelogout:         case kaereallylogout:             // log out             break;         case kaeshowrestartdialog:         case kaerestart:             // system restart             break;         case kaeshowshutdowndialog:         case kaeshutdown:             // system shutdown             break;         default:             // ordinary quit             break;     } 
