unicode - mysql doesn't support all symbols from range U+0000..U+FFFF -

consider following table:

create table t1 (f1 varchar(255)); 

then, ruby:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'json' require 'sequel' require 'mysql2' db = sequel.connect(     :adapter => 'mysql2',     :database => 'd1',     :user => '<user>',     :password => '<password>',     :encoding => 'utf8') v1 = '{"a":"b\ud83c\udf4ec"}' v2 = json.parse(v1) p v2['a'] db[:t1].truncate db[:t1].insert(f1: v2['a']); p db[:t1].first[:f1] 

or php:

#!/usr/bin/env php <?php $dbh = new pdo('mysql:dbname=d1', '<user>', '<password>', [     pdo::mysql_attr_init_command => 'set names utf8',     pdo::attr_errmode => pdo::errmode_exception, ]); $dbh->exec('truncate table t1'); $v1 = '{"a":"b\ud83c\udf4ec"}'; $v2 = json_decode($v1); var_dump($v2->a); $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert t1 values (?)"); $sth->execute([$v2->a]); $sth = $dbh->query("select * t1"); var_dump($sth->fetch()['f1']); 

what gets in database b. i'm running mysql-5.1 , documentation says:

mysql 5.1 supports 2 character sets storing unicode data:

  • ucs2, ucs-2 encoding of unicode character set using 16 bits per character.

  • utf8, utf-8 encoding of unicode character set using 1 3 bytes per character.

these 2 character sets support characters basic multilingual plane (bmp) of unicode version 3.0. bmp characters have these characteristics:

  • their code values between 0 , 65535 (or u+0000 .. u+ffff).

what doing wrong?


$ mysql -bne 'show create table t1' d1 t1  create table `t1` (\n  `f1` varchar(255) default null\n) engine=innodb default charset=utf8 

it appears 2 escape sequences represent 1 character: red apple (u+1f34e). first 1 being surrogate. , surrogates are:

the ucs uses surrogates address characters outside initial basic multilingual plane without resorting more 16 bit byte representations.

so must it, resulting character outside bmp. , not supported mysql's utf8 character set such.
