vb6 - PostgreSQL ODBC Connection SSPI Authentication Failure -

i've made changes existing application i'm maintaining our company try improve on of functionality. however, i've run issue, , i'm not able find helpful through of google searches. here's platform:

vb6 application running on windows 7 (64-bit) using adodb connection via odbc postgresql (v. 9.1.1) server.

the issue that, reason seems sspi authentication method i'm using fails retrieve value sequence in postgresql database. other (vb.net) applications connect same database server using sspi authentication no problem (using npgsql).

here's basic connection string used odbc connection in vb6 application:

driver={postgresql ansi};server=<servernamehere>;port=<####>;database=<databasenamehere>;uid=<usernamehere> 

when check postgresql server logs after attempting make connection database, find following error:

cdt fatal:  sspi authentication failed user "<usernamehere>" cdt log:  not send data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it. 

i tried connecting database user machine (logged in credentials) through pgadmin iii, , can connect fine. tried same application second machine (also windows 7 64-bit), , doesn't appear give me errors in connection.

of course, when run code through vb6 ide on winxp vm (under own credentials), seems work expected. verified user's active directory account active , unlocked, , postgresql database has correct user created correct group role membership, etc. so, thought there must wrong odbc driver installed postgresql. installed 64-bit postgresql odbc driver, , (of course) didn't help. uninstalled , reinstalled 32-bit driver (since it's running through 32-bit application), no change.

here's vb6 code i'm using try connect database:

private function getpgcertnumber() long     on error goto pgsqlerror      dim pgdb adodb.connection     dim rs adodb.recordset     dim certnum long     dim sqlstr string      set pgdb = new adodb.connection     pgdb.connectionstring = pgsql_connection_str     pgdb.cursorlocation = aduseserver     pgdb.open      sqlstr = "select nextval('certificatenumber_seq')"     set rs = new adodb.recordset     rs.cursorlocation = aduseserver     rs.open sqlstr, pgdb      if not rs.eof , not rs.bof         certnum = rs!nextval     else         certnum = -1     end if      getpgcertnumber = certnum     rs.close     set rs = nothing     pgdb.close     set pgdb = nothing     exit function pgsqlerror:     dim errormsg string      getpgcertnumber = -1     errormsg = "an error occurred retrieving next certificate number use." & vbcrlf & _                "connection string: " & pgsql_connection_str & vbcrlf & _                "command string: " & sqlstr & vbcrlf & _                "database state: " & pgdb.state & vbcrlf & vbcrlf     msgbox errormsg, vbcritical + vbokonly, "postgresql database error"      on error resume next      if not pgdb nothing         if pgdb.state <> 0             pgdb.close         end if          set pgdb = nothing     end if end function 

i've checked sequence in postgresql database, , sequence not getting incremented. error message appears indicates sqlstr variable hasn't been populated yet, tells me it's occurring when open method being called.

i've come "band-aid" workaround time being: i've created new, limited access user on postgresql server uses md5 login (specified in pg_hba.conf) instead of sspi, , hard-coded in connection string (pgsql_connection_str). can tell far, appears working correctly, leads me further believe issue related using sspi odbc connector postgresql in environment.

i'm wondering @ point if might know of specific issue using postgresql odbc driver authenticate connection postgresql database via sspi. prefer not have hard-code credentials application, if credentials limited-access user. i've tried know at, although i've failed mention above, please let me know if need clarification. in advance help.

edit: thing have not tried yet installing 64-bit odbc driver , changing connection string use instead. reason haven't tried still have users haven't yet been upgraded 64-bit os. if, perhaps, can find way determine whether user on 32-bit or 64-bit os through vb6, might viable alternative (assuming 64-bit odbc driver works correctly).

edit - debugging log details (redacted):


[3336-0.000]calling getdsndefaults [3336-0.015]cc_connect: entering... [3336-0.015]sslmode=disable [3336-0.015]original_cc_connect: entering... [3336-0.015]driver version='09.03.0300,201405140001' linking 1600 dynamic multithread library [3336-0.031]original_cc_connect: dsn = '', server = '<servernamehere>', port = '####', database = '<databasenamehere>', username = '<usernamehere>', password='' [3336-0.031]connecting server socket... [3336-0.047](0)(null) errno=0 [3336-0.047]connection server socket succeeded. [3336-0.047]!!! usrname=<usernamehere> server=<servernamehere> [3336-0.047]sizeof startup packet = 80 [3336-0.047]sent authentication block successfully. [3336-0.047]gonna authentication [3336-0.047]read -1, global_socket_buffersize=4096 [3336-0.047]lasterror=10035 [3336-0.062]read 9, global_socket_buffersize=4096 [3336-0.062]auth got 'r' [3336-0.062]areq = 9 salt=0000000000 [3336-0.062]in auth_req_sspi [3336-47.767][[sqlallochandle]][3336-47.767]pgapi_allocconnect: entering... [3336-47.767]**** pgapi_allocconnect: henv = 02b413b8, conn = 02b481c0 [3336-47.767]en_add_connection: self = 02b413b8, conn = 02b481c0 [3336-47.767]       added @ i=1, conn->henv = 02b413b8, conns[i]->henv = 02b413b8 [3336-47.767][sqlgetinfo(30)][3336-47.767]pgapi_getinfo: entering...finfotype=77 [3336-47.767]pgapi_getinfo: p='03.50', len=0, value=0, cbmax=12 [3336-47.767][[sqlsetconnectattr]] 103 [3336-47.767]pgapi_setconnectattr 02b481c0: 103 0000000f [3336-47.767]pgapi_setconnectoption: entering foption = 103 vparam = 15 [3336-47.767][sqldriverconnect][3336-47.767]pgapi_driverconnect: entering... [3336-47.767]**** pgapi_driverconnect: fdrivercompletion=0, connstrin='driver={postgresql ansi};uid=<usernamehere>;server=<servernamehere>;port=####;database=<databasenamehere>;debug=1;commlog=1;' [3336-47.767]cc_conninfo_init opt=2 [3336-47.767]copy_globals driver=postgresql ansi socket_buffersize=4096 [3336-47.767]our_connect_string = 'driver={postgresql ansi};uid=<usernamehere>;server=<servernamehere>;port=####;database=<databasenamehere>;debug=1;commlog=1;' [3336-47.767]attribute = 'driver', value = '{postgresql ansi}' [3336-47.783]copyattributes: dsn='',server='',dbase='',user='',passwd='',port='',onlyread='',protocol='',conn_settings='(null)',disallow_premature=-1) [3336-47.783]attribute = 'uid', value = '<usernamehere>' [3336-47.783]copyattributes: dsn='',server='',dbase='',user='<usernamehere>',passwd='',port='',onlyread='',protocol='',conn_settings='(null)',disallow_premature=-1) [3336-47.783]attribute = 'server', value = '<servernamehere>' [3336-47.783]copyattributes: dsn='',server='<servernamehere>',dbase='',user='<usernamehere>',passwd='',port='',onlyread='',protocol='',conn_settings='(null)',disallow_premature=-1) [3336-47.783]attribute = 'port', value = '####' [3336-47.783]copyattributes: dsn='',server='<servernamehere>',dbase='',user='<usernamehere>',passwd='',port='####',onlyread='',protocol='',conn_settings='(null)',disallow_premature=-1) [3336-47.783]attribute = 'database', value = '<databasenamehere>' [3336-47.783]copyattributes: dsn='',server='<servernamehere>',dbase='<databasenamehere>',user='<usernamehere>',passwd='',port='####',onlyread='',protocol='',conn_settings='(null)',disallow_premature=-1) [3336-47.783]attribute = 'debug', value = '1' [3336-47.783]copyattributes: dsn='',server='<servernamehere>',dbase='<databasenamehere>',user='<usernamehere>',passwd='',port='####',onlyread='',protocol='',conn_settings='(null)',disallow_premature=-1) [3336-47.783]attribute = 'commlog', value = '1' [3336-47.783]copyattributes: dsn='',server='<servernamehere>',dbase='<databasenamehere>',user='<usernamehere>',passwd='',port='####',onlyread='',protocol='',conn_settings='(null)',disallow_premature=-1) [3336-47.783]getdsninfo: dsn= overwrite=0 [3336-47.799]our_connect_string = 'driver={postgresql ansi};uid=<usernamehere>;server=<servernamehere>;port=####;database=<databasenamehere>;debug=1;commlog=1;' [3336-47.799]attribute = 'driver', value = '{postgresql ansi}' [3336-47.799]copycommonattributes: a7=100;a8=4096;a9=0;b0=255;b1=8190;b2=0;b3=0;b4=0;b5=1;b6=0;b7=1;b8=0;b9=1;c0=0;c1=0;c2=dd_;[3336-47.799]attribute = 'uid', value = '<usernamehere>' [3336-47.799]copycommonattributes: a7=100;a8=4096;a9=0;b0=255;b1=8190;b2=0;b3=0;b4=0;b5=1;b6=0;b7=1;b8=0;b9=1;c0=0;c1=0;c2=dd_;[3336-47.799]attribute = 'server', value = '<servernamehere>' [3336-47.799]copycommonattributes: a7=100;a8=4096;a9=0;b0=255;b1=8190;b2=0;b3=0;b4=0;b5=1;b6=0;b7=1;b8=0;b9=1;c0=0;c1=0;c2=dd_;[3336-47.799]attribute = 'port', value = '####' [3336-47.799]copycommonattributes: a7=100;a8=4096;a9=0;b0=255;b1=8190;b2=0;b3=0;b4=0;b5=1;b6=0;b7=1;b8=0;b9=1;c0=0;c1=0;c2=dd_;[3336-47.799]attribute = 'database', value = '<databasenamehere>' [3336-47.799]copycommonattributes: a7=100;a8=4096;a9=0;b0=255;b1=8190;b2=0;b3=0;b4=0;b5=1;b6=0;b7=1;b8=0;b9=1;c0=0;c1=0;c2=dd_;[3336-47.799]attribute = 'debug', value = '1' [3336-47.799]copycommonattributes: a7=100;a8=4096;a9=0;b0=255;b1=8190;b2=1;b3=0;b4=0;b5=1;b6=0;b7=1;b8=0;b9=1;c0=0;c1=0;c2=dd_;[3336-47.799]attribute = 'commlog', value = '1' [3336-47.799]copycommonattributes: a7=100;a8=4096;a9=0;b0=255;b1=8190;b2=1;b3=1;b4=0;b5=1;b6=0;b7=1;b8=0;b9=1;c0=0;c1=0;c2=dd_;[3336-47.799]calling getdsndefaults [3336-47.799]cc_connect: entering... [3336-47.799]sslmode=disable [3336-47.799]original_cc_connect: entering... [3336-47.799]driver version='09.03.0300,201405140001' linking 1600 dynamic multithread library [3336-47.799]original_cc_connect: dsn = '', server = '<servernamehere>', port = '####', database = '<databasenamehere>', username = '<usernamehere>', password='' [3336-47.799]connecting server socket... [3336-47.814](0)(null) errno=0 [3336-47.814]connection server socket succeeded. [3336-47.814]!!! usrname=<usernamehere> server=<servernamehere> [3336-47.814]sizeof startup packet = 80 [3336-47.814]sent authentication block successfully. [3336-47.814]gonna authentication [3336-47.814]read -1, global_socket_buffersize=4096 [3336-47.814]lasterror=10035 [3336-47.830]read 9, global_socket_buffersize=4096 [3336-47.830]auth got 'r' [3336-47.830]areq = 9 salt=0000000000 [3336-47.830]in auth_req_sspi 


[0.015]driver version='09.03.0300,201405140001' linking 1600 dynamic multithread library [0.015]global options: fetch=100, socket=4096, unknown_sizes=0, max_varchar_size=255, max_longvarchar_size=8190 [0.015]                disable_optimizer=0, ksqo=1, unique_index=1, use_declarefetch=0 [0.015]                text_as_longvarchar=1, unknowns_as_longvarchar=0, bools_as_char=1 namedatalen=64 [0.031]                extra_systable_prefixes='dd_;', conn_settings='(null)' conn_encoding='' [47.767]conn=02b481c0, pgapi_driverconnect( in)='driver={postgresql ansi};uid=<usernamehere>;server=<servernamehere>;port=####;database=<databasenamehere>;debug=1;commlog=1;', fdrivercompletion=0 [47.799]driver version='09.03.0300,201405140001' linking 1600 dynamic multithread library [47.799]global options: fetch=100, socket=4096, unknown_sizes=0, max_varchar_size=255, max_longvarchar_size=8190 [47.799]                disable_optimizer=0, ksqo=1, unique_index=1, use_declarefetch=0 [47.799]                text_as_longvarchar=1, unknowns_as_longvarchar=0, bools_as_char=1 namedatalen=64 [47.799]                extra_systable_prefixes='dd_;', conn_settings='(null)' conn_encoding='' 

edit - server logs: here log entries right around time of testing. it's pretty same thing posted before, went forward few minutes allow connection timeouts , such. it's different function in vb6 application that's calling stored procedure, it's resulting in same error/issue sspi authentication.

2014-06-30 16:57:17 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 16:57:17 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 16:57:30 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 16:57:30 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 16:57:31 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 16:57:31 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 16:58:38 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 16:58:38 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 16:59:02 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 16:59:02 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 16:59:22 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 16:59:22 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 17:00:23 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 17:00:23 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 17:00:44 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 17:00:44 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 17:00:46 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 17:00:46 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 17:00:52 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 17:00:52 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 17:01:17 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 17:01:17 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 17:01:43 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 17:01:43 cdt fatal:  sspi authentication failed user "<usernamehere>" 2014-06-30 17:01:43 cdt log:  not send data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.     2014-06-30 17:01:43 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 17:01:43 cdt fatal:  sspi authentication failed user "<usernamehere>" 2014-06-30 17:01:43 cdt log:  not send data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.     2014-06-30 17:03:56 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 17:03:56 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 17:04:02 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 17:04:02 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 17:04:10 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it. 2014-06-30 17:04:10 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 17:05:30 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 17:05:30 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 17:05:39 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 17:05:39 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 17:06:33 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 17:06:33 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 17:11:05 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 17:11:05 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 2014-06-30 17:11:50 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.    2014-06-30 17:11:50 cdt log:  unexpected eof on client connection 

i can try turn on additional debugging, might take me little bit data it. it's possible (as suggested earlier) issue related version of postgresql, except these same functions work correctly in 32-bit winxp test environment same odbc connector installed.

edit - log_min_messages = debug1:

2014-07-02 10:33:24 cdt debug:  autovacuum: processing database "<databasenamehere>" 2014-07-02 10:33:25 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.   2014-07-02 10:33:25 cdt fatal:  sspi authentication failed user "<usernamehere>" 2014-07-02 10:33:25 cdt log:  not send data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.   2014-07-02 10:33:29 cdt debug:  autovacuum: processing database "<databasenamehere>" 

log_min_messages = debug5

2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  starttransaction 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  name: unnamed; blockstate:       default; state: inprogr, xid/subid/cid: 0/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children:  2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  committransaction 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  name: unnamed; blockstate:       started; state: inprogr, xid/subid/cid: 0/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children:  2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  initpostgres 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  backend id 5 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  starttransaction 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  name: unnamed; blockstate:       default; state: inprogr, xid/subid/cid: 0/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children:  2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  committransaction 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  name: unnamed; blockstate:       started; state: inprogr, xid/subid/cid: 0/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children:  2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  autovacuum: processing database "<databasenamehere>" 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  starttransaction 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  name: unnamed; blockstate:       default; state: inprogr, xid/subid/cid: 0/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children:  2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_statistic: vac: 80 (threshold 124), anl: 560 (threshold 87) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_type: vac: 0 (threshold 112), anl: 0 (threshold 81) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_attribute: vac: 0 (threshold 651), anl: 0 (threshold 351) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_authid: vac: 19 (threshold 50), anl: 30 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_proc: vac: 0 (threshold 518), anl: 0 (threshold 284) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_class: vac: 0 (threshold 106), anl: 0 (threshold 78) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_database: vac: 3 (threshold 50), anl: 7 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_inherits: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_index: vac: 0 (threshold 72), anl: 0 (threshold 61) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_operator: vac: 0 (threshold 191), anl: 0 (threshold 121) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_opfamily: vac: 0 (threshold 64), anl: 0 (threshold 57) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_opclass: vac: 0 (threshold 73), anl: 0 (threshold 61) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_amop: vac: 0 (threshold 122), anl: 0 (threshold 86) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_amproc: vac: 0 (threshold 100), anl: 0 (threshold 75) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_language: vac: 0 (threshold 51), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_largeobject_metadata: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_rewrite: vac: 0 (threshold 70), anl: 0 (threshold 60) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_description: vac: 0 (threshold 705), anl: 0 (threshold 378) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_cast: vac: 0 (threshold 89), anl: 0 (threshold 70) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_namespace: vac: 0 (threshold 51), anl: 0 (threshold 51) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_conversion: vac: 0 (threshold 76), anl: 0 (threshold 63) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_depend: vac: 0 (threshold 1219), anl: 0 (threshold 635) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_tablespace: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_pltemplate: vac: 0 (threshold 52), anl: 0 (threshold 51) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_auth_members: vac: 9 (threshold 75), anl: 37 (threshold 62) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_shdepend: vac: 100 (threshold 943), anl: 394 (threshold 496) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_shdescription: vac: 36 (threshold 50), anl: 42 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_ts_config: vac: 0 (threshold 53), anl: 0 (threshold 52) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_ts_dict: vac: 0 (threshold 53), anl: 0 (threshold 52) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_ts_parser: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_ts_template: vac: 0 (threshold 51), anl: 0 (threshold 51) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_extension: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_foreign_data_wrapper: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_foreign_server: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_default_acl: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_seclabel: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_collation: vac: 0 (threshold 51), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_attrdef: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_am: vac: 0 (threshold 51), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  pg_db_role_setting: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 104), anl: 0 (threshold 77) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 96), anl: 0 (threshold 73) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 83), anl: 0 (threshold 67) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 104), anl: 0 (threshold 77) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 134), anl: 0 (threshold 92) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 82), anl: 0 (threshold 66) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 71), anl: 0 (threshold 61) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 80), anl: 0 (threshold 65) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  <tablenamehere>: vac: 0 (threshold 826), anl: 0 (threshold 438) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  committransaction 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  name: unnamed; blockstate:       started; state: inprogr, xid/subid/cid: 0/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children:  2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  shmem_exit(0): 8 callbacks make 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  proc_exit(0): 2 callbacks make 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  exit(0) 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  shmem_exit(-1): 0 callbacks make 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  proc_exit(-1): 0 callbacks make 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  reaping dead processes 2014-07-02 10:36:49 cdt debug:  server process (pid 5692) exited exit code 0 2014-07-02 10:36:51 cdt log:  not receive data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.   2014-07-02 10:36:51 cdt fatal:  sspi authentication failed user "<usernamehere>" 2014-07-02 10:36:51 cdt log:  not send data client: no connection made because target machine actively refused it.   2014-07-02 10:36:51 cdt debug:  shmem_exit(1): 7 callbacks make 2014-07-02 10:36:51 cdt debug:  proc_exit(1): 3 callbacks make 2014-07-02 10:36:51 cdt debug:  exit(1) 2014-07-02 10:36:51 cdt debug:  shmem_exit(-1): 0 callbacks make 2014-07-02 10:36:51 cdt debug:  proc_exit(-1): 0 callbacks make 2014-07-02 10:36:51 cdt debug:  reaping dead processes 2014-07-02 10:36:51 cdt debug:  server process (pid 4300) exited exit code 1 

have checked case login "usernamehere" ?

the login must identical on windows , pgsql.

we have issue windows login 'usera' , pgsql login 'usera' login sent through odbc 'usera'.

it seems windows takes used log in username instead of what's defined in ad.

we have manually fix connectionstring one.

otherwise, don't need have hard-coded login, use mapping in pg_hba.conf. (see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/auth-username-maps.html)


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