bash - awk compare two files -erase row from second file from condtion of first file -

i need help.

first file

0.5 0.4 0.1 0.6 0.9 

second file .bam (i have use samtools view)

aaaa bbbb cccc  aaab bbaa ccaa hoho jojo toto sese rere baba jouj douj trou 

and need output:

aaaa bbbb cccc aaab bbaa ccaa sese rere baba 

condition: if $1 first file in <0.3;0.6> print same row second file, if not, erase it. want filtrate second file condition of first file. prefer awk or bash code, not important.

condition first file:

awk '{if($1>0.3 && $1<0.6) {print $0}}' 

please me? lot

here 1 awk solution:

awk 'fnr==nr {a[nr]=$1;next} a[fnr]>0.3 && a[fnr]<0.6' firstfile secondfile aaaa bbbb cccc aaab bbaa ccaa 

sese rere baba not printed since <0.6 , not <=0.6
