How can I let others install my Google Apps Script? -

i've made simple script in google apps script. script builds forms based on spreadsheet, script part of spreadsheet. adds menu item. people use it. non-technical people, make installation of script easy possible. 'installation' mean way 'import' script spreadsheet , automatically set needed triggers menu item becomes visible. should possible install it. i've been thinking of following solutions:

  • publishing add-on: script wouldn't qualify, , can't wait google's approval.
  • copy-paste. don't this, it's way complicated.

i've looked @ question:, people wanting install not on same domain in case. question 3 years old.

edit: turns out, there doesn't seem solution. i've filed feature request here:

if google account administrator allows you, can share scripts/spreadsheets outside organisation either sharing directly person google account (gmail or google apps) or making public (share link or published online).

keep in mind if use script properties store values, each time uses shared script overwrite values. in shared context best use user properties instead. way each user can store own values.


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