javascript - AngularJS using $sce.trustAsHtml with ng-repeat -

i'm trying use $sce.trustashtml() property of object in ng-repeat. result html totally blank. html outputs correctly using ngsanitize though.

<div ng-repeat="question in questions">     <p ng-bind-html="$sce.trustashtml(question.body)">     </p> </div> 

i'm on angularjs v1.3.0-beta.3 way. not sure if there's bug or wrong.

you can't use $sce.trustashtml in expression (unless $sce property on $scope) because expressions evaluated in context of $scope.

the cleanest approach use ngsanitize.
second cleanest expose $sce.trustashtml function in $scope:

<div ng-repeat="...">     <p ng-bind-html="trustashtml(question.body)"></p> </div>  $scope.trustashtml = $sce.trustashtml; 
