sql - Import CSV File into a SQLite Database via PHP -

i want import table csv file sqlite db via php script can manually run update data.

heres list of want achieve:

  1. rename old table (which called "produkte") product-currentdate (or drop table)
  2. then import files csv file ( ; separated , iso 8859-1 charset / first row of csv-file contains table header)
  3. save date in table "product"

i've found script reason not work:

<?php  $dir = 'sqlite:test.sqlite';  $dbh  = new pdo($dir) or die("cannot open database");    $query = <<<eof   load data local infile 'produkte.csv'   table produkte   fields terminated ';'   optionally enclosed '"'    lines terminated '\n'   ignore 1 lines    (id, hauptmenue, produktgruppe, beschreibung, text, bild, shop, info)   eof;   $dbh->query($query);  ?> 

i hope knows how solve problem...

best regards dave

federico cingolani has posted php script @ github meets needs

 <?php function import_csv_to_sqlite(&$pdo, $csv_path, $options = array()) {     extract($options);      if (($csv_handle = fopen($csv_path, "r")) === false)         throw new exception('cannot open csv file');      if(!$delimiter)         $delimiter = ',';      if(!$table)         $table = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9]/i", '', basename($csv_path));      if(!$fields){         $fields = array_map(function ($field){             return strtolower(preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9]/i", '', $field));         }, fgetcsv($csv_handle, 0, $delimiter));     }      $create_fields_str = join(', ', array_map(function ($field){         return "$field text null";     }, $fields));      $pdo->begintransaction();      $create_table_sql = "create table if not exists $table ($create_fields_str)";     $pdo->exec($create_table_sql);      $insert_fields_str = join(', ', $fields);     $insert_values_str = join(', ', array_fill(0, count($fields),  '?'));     $insert_sql = "insert $table ($insert_fields_str) values ($insert_values_str)";     $insert_sth = $pdo->prepare($insert_sql);      $inserted_rows = 0;     while (($data = fgetcsv($csv_handle, 0, $delimiter)) !== false) {         $insert_sth->execute($data);         $inserted_rows++;     }      $pdo->commit();      fclose($csv_handle);      return array(             'table' => $table,             'fields' => $fields,             'insert' => $insert_sth,             'inserted_rows' => $inserted_rows         );  } 
