excel - vlookup matching with one column but not several -

got following issue.

my sheet below.

when i'm doing vlookup , column column below, have value lm-un-f-gt25 retrieved


when i'm doing vlookup , column list of columns below, nothing retrieved...





edit seems value on b column seen when doing lookup on list of columns...weird, no?

vlookup searches search value in first column of range. search value not in first column of range b2:e58, column b. search value in column c. why no results second formula.

from microsoft: "[vlookup] searches value in first column of table array , returns value in same row column in table array."

see: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/vlookup-hp005209335.aspx

since want know "if value have in cell a3 present in other cells namely b2 e58", perhaps countif better fit. try:


that tell how many times value in cell a3 appears in range b2:e58.

or maybe:

=if(countif(b2:e58,a3)>0,"value present","not present") 

that show phrase "value present" if value present , "not present" if isn't.
