java - Get signature and certification path from PFX -

i have soap message

<soapenv:envelope     xmlns:soapenv = ""     xmlns:v = "">     <soapenv:header/>     <soapenv:body>         <v:auth>             <v:userid>xxxxxxxxxx</v:userid>             <v:password>xxxxxxxxxx</v:password>             <v:certchain>xxxxxxxxxx</v:certchain>             <v:signature>xxxxxxxxxx</v:signature>         </v:auth>     </soapenv:body> </soapenv:envelope> 

after generating java source code wsdl, auth, setting value this. (all below 4 fields string datatype)

auth authinfo = new auth(); authinfo.setuserid(userid); authinfo.setpassword(password); authinfo.setcertchain(""); authinfo.setsignature(""); 

the following piece of code using signature, digest value, certificate chain. when populate values , submit soap message digital signature invalid error. verified signature valid.

code extract details:

i face issue getting certification path , signature pfx file. can share code gets them, have following piece of code them. when use signature , certification path obtained through below code , invalid digital signature.

public void getcertificatedetails(){     string aliasname="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; // not posted here      try{            char[] passwd = key_store_password.tochararray();                     keystore = keystore.getinstance("pkcs12","sunjsse");            fileinputstream fis = new fileinputstream("path pfx file");          keystore.load(fis, passwd);           fis.close();           enumeration aliases;            certificate[] cc =  keystore.getcertificatechain(aliasname);          x509certificate certificate1 = (x509certificate) cc[0];           system.out.println("signo algo:"+certificate1.getsigalgname()); // value sha256withrsa           privatekey pkey = (privatekey)keystore.getkey("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", passwd);             keystore.getcertificate(aliasname);          x509certificate[] result = new x509certificate[2];           x509certificate certificate2 = (x509certificate)keystore.getcertificate(aliasname);          byte[] sig = certificate2.getsignature();             certchain=keystore.getcertificatechain(aliasname);          algorithm=keystore.getkey(aliasname, passwd).getalgorithm();          certificate=keystore.getcertificate(aliasname);           system.out.println("public key:"+certificate.getpublickey().getencoded());          privatekey myprivatekey = (privatekey)keystore.getkey(aliasname, passwd);          xcert = (x509certificate)certificate;            keystore.getcertificate(aliasname).verify( keystore.getcertificate( aliasname ).getpublickey());           x509content.add(xcert.getsubjectx500principal().getname());          x509content.add(xcert);     }      catch(exception ex)     {         ex.printstacktrace();     }   }   // certificate chain  public certificate[] getcertificatechain()  {      return certchain;  }   public string getalgorithm()  {       return algorithm;  }  public certificate getcertificate()  {      return certificate;  }  public signature getx509signature()  {       return xcert.getsignature();  } 


the code hexify digest value

  public string hexify (byte bytes[])    {        char[] hexdigits = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',              '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'};        stringbuffer buf = new stringbuffer(bytes.length * 2);        (int = 0; < bytes.length; ++i) {           buf.append(hexdigits[(bytes[i] & 0xf0) >> 4]);           buf.append(hexdigits[bytes[i] & 0x0f]);       }        return buf.tostring();   } 

get digest value signature

public string getthumbprint(x509certificate cert) throws nosuchalgorithmexception, certificateencodingexception  {     messagedigest md = messagedigest.getinstance("sha-256");     byte[] der = cert.getsignature();      md.update(der);       byte[] digest = md.digest();      digest=md.digest(digest);       return hexify(digest);  } 


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