javascript - dynamic highcharts with json data -

i m trying figure out possible make json data fetched dynamically database of php , mysql , can plotted highcharts dynamic auto updating? appreciated.

following code have tried , not working , want implement the website 10 lines.

    <html> <head> <title>highchart example</title> <script type="text/javascript"src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript">     var chart;   function requestdata() {     $.ajax({         url: 'live-server-data.php',         success: function(point) {             var series = chart.series[0],                 shift = > 20; // shift if series                                                   // longer 2             // add point             chart.series[0].addpoint(point, true, shift);              // call again after 1 second             settimeout(requestdata1, 1000);             },         cache: false,      });  }   function requestdata1() {     $.ajax({         url: 'live-server-data.php',         success: function(point) {             var series2 = chart.series[1],                 shift = > 20; // shift if series                                                   // longer 20              // add point             chart.series[1].addpoint(point, true, shift);              // call again after 1 second             settimeout(requestdata, 1000);             },         cache: false,      }); }   $(function () {     $(document).ready(function() {     chart = new highcharts.chart({         chart: {             renderto: 'container',             defaultseriestype: 'spline',             events: {                 load: requestdata                            }         },         title: {             text: 'live random data'         },         xaxis: {             type: 'datetime',             tickpixelinterval: 150,             maxzoom: 20 * 1000         },         yaxis:          {         minpadding: 0.2,             maxpadding: 0.2,             title: {                 text: '',                 margin: 80             }         },          series: [         {             name: 'random data',             data: []         },         {             name: ' hahaha',             data: []             }         ],     });         }); }); </script> </head> <body>     <div id="container"         style="min-width: 728px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div> </body> </html>             *** live-server-data.php followed:     <?php // set json header header("content-type: text/json");  // x value current javascript time, unix time multiplied  // 1000. $x = time() * 1000; // y value random number $y = rand(48,52); // create php array , echo json $ret = array($x, $y); echo json_encode($ret); ?> 

you can try

var options = {         chart: {             renderto: 'chart',         },         credits: {             enabled: false         },         title: {             text: 'impression/click overview',             x: -20         },         xaxis: {             categories: [{}]         },         tooltip: {             formatter: function() {                 var s = '<b>'+ this.x +'</b>';                  $.each(this.points, function(i, point) {                     s += '<br/>'': '+point.y;                 });                  return s;             },             shared: true         },         series: [{},{}]     };      $.ajax({         url: "json.php",         data: 'show=impression',         type:'post',         datatype: "json",         success: function(data){             options.xaxis.categories = data.categories;             options.series[0].name = 'impression';             options.series[0].data = data.impression;             options.series[1].name = 'click';             options.series[1].data = data.clicks;             var chart = new highcharts.chart(options);                   }     }); 


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