javascript - CoffeeScript - Should I have a callback? -

i'm working on simple coffeescript class learning purposes , i'm trying figure out if 'getmutant' method should have callback. code seems working is, in future i'd possibly query db or other timely asynchronous event. how write callback here?


class mutant     @mutantarray: []      constructor: (@name, @strength = 1, @agility = 1) ->         @name = @name.tolowercase(@name)         mutant.mutantarray.push(@)      attack: (opponentname) ->         opponentname = opponentname.tolowercase(opponentname)          # should method below have callback since i'm using result directly below?         opponentexists = mutant.getmutant(opponentname)          if opponentexists alert @name + " attacking " + opponentname else alert "no mutant name of '" + opponentname + "' found."      @getallmutants: () ->         @mutantarray      # possibly need add callback?     @getmutant: (name) ->         result = ( mutant in mutant.mutantarray when name)         if result.length > 0 mutant else null  wolverine = new mutant("wolverine", 1, 2) rogue = new mutant("rogue", 5, 6)  rogue.attack("wolverine")  mutant.getallmutants() 

well question bit opinion based, might downvoted.

i'll take crack @ though. if have sort of backing store outside of code you'll have have asynch handlers in there -- anytime go network/io/database going asynch. don't think it's correct put getallmutants inside mutant class though. adapted of existing code getallmutants function mongodb.

getallmutants: (onerror, onsuccess) =>   mongoclient.connect @config.dburl, (err, db) =>     if err?       onerror("failed: #{json.stringify err}")     else       collection = db.collection(@config.collection)       collection.find().toarray( (err, mutants) ->         if err?           onerror(err)         else           unless mutants?             onerror("no mutants object found")           unless mutants.length?             onerror("no mutants object returned or not array")           else             onsuccess(mutants)             db.close()       ) 


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