android - FragmentTransaction Replace only works once -

iam working on page have 3 buttons working tabs, , when clicking on 1 of them behavior expected framelayout (fragment container) below should replace fragment expected one.

enter image description here

in oncreate of activity have method, container shows first fragment, (this works fine):

productdetailinformacoesfragment infofragment = new productdetailinformacoesfragment(); fragmenttransaction ft = getsupportfragmentmanager().begintransaction(); ft.replace(, infofragment); 

then have switch statement called on different listeners buttons, right fragment shown:

public void switchfragment(int fragmentpos) {     switch (fragmentpos){         case 0:             productdetailinformacoesfragment infofragment = new productdetailinformacoesfragment();             fragmenttransaction ft = getsupportfragmentmanager().begintransaction();             ft.replace(, infofragment);             ft.commit();             break;          case 1:             productdetailcaracteristicasfragment caracteristicasfragment = new productdetailcaracteristicasfragment();             fragmenttransaction ftt = getsupportfragmentmanager().begintransaction();             ftt.replace(, caracteristicasfragment);             ftt.commit();             break;         case 2:             productdetailavaliacoesfragment avaliacoesfragment = new productdetailavaliacoesfragment();             fragmenttransaction fttt = getsupportfragmentmanager().begintransaction();             fttt.replace(, avaliacoesfragment);             fttt.commit();             break;         default:             break;     } } 


            <framelayout             android:id="@+id/product_detail_fragment_container"             android:layout_width="fill_parent"             android:layout_height="wrap_content"             android:layout_below="@+id/base_view"             android:background="@android:color/white"/> 

the problem is when click on 1 of tabs, fragment container become blank (white) , desired fragment not showed, no matter 1 click (even 1 shown). what doing wrong?? - have tried setting ft.addtobackstack(null) didn't help.

.you should control if frament null before instanciate , add container. if fragment instanciated should show it. if button clicked manage show desired fragment using trick mentioned above, , hide other fragments. should use actionbar feature of android. , use tab instead of button. ontabselected() ontabunselected() respectively manage operations on tab attach or detach fragments. detailled in android developper forum. here url go section "adding navigation tabs" full explanation example.

here overview of code managing selection , unselection of tabs using androidsupport

public void ontabselected(tab tab, fragmenttransaction ft) {     fragmenttransaction ft = getsupportfragmentmanager().begintransaction();     switch (tab.getposition()) {     case your_tab_position:         if(your_fragment == null){             your_fragment = new your_fragment();             ft.add(, your_fragment, your_tag);         }         else{   ;             }          break; . . . } }  public void ontabunselected(tab tab, fragmenttransaction ft) {     fragmenttransaction ft = getsupportfragmentmanager().begintransaction();      switch (tab.getposition()) {     case your_tab_position:         if(your_fragment != null){             ft.hide(your_fragment);         }         break; . . . } } 
