delphi - Insert different Picture object after each row print in Fast Report -

i developing application in firemonkey (delphi xe5) using fast report 4 printing data. using tfrxuserdataset keep data , print this, using masterdata band in fast report.

now, need print tbitamp each row, here bitmap each record different.

does body has idea how can this?

Нou can load external image file picture control in report. i'm doing script part of report using onbeforeprint event follows:

procedure data2onbeforeprint(sender: tfrxcomponent); var   lfn               : string;   lfp               : string; begin   // use filename found in media dataset fields   lfp := trim(< media."imagepath">);    // images folder below image root path   lfn := trim(< media."filename1">);    // actual image file name    picture2 begin      // nb: there no checking in example, may useful      //     couple of checks before trying load image, if      //     data user entered     loadfromfile(imagerootpath + includetrailingslash(lfp) + lfn);      // whatever manipulations want loaded image...     autosize := false;     width := 1620;     height := 1080;     top := 0;     left := (1920 - width) / 2;      hightquality := true;    // note typo in property name... highquality?     keepaspectratio := true;     transparent := true;     stretched := not picture3.autosize;   end; end; 

note have added few user functions imagerootpath includetrailingslash() make script easier. similar check valid file prior attempting load avoid exceptions.

my devt environment delphi xe5 fastreport fmx , works fine. in midst of moving xe6 , fr fmx 2, pretty sure work fine.
