windows 7 - Creating batch to remotely recreate user win 7 profile -

i'm making batch below in win 7 corporate environment recreates users profile remotely. know code more efficient, works except registry entry on users computer profile needs removed. i'm not sure how find specific entry , delete it. guys take look? also, code improvements welcomed. i'm still having issues whole "rwm" graphic @ top, that's not important right now. you'll see if open batch.

@echo off mode 75,30  ::notes ::remote workstation manager beta unreleased :: ::  :start cls title remote workstation manager beta unreleased  ::declarations setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set date=%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%%date:~10,4%% color 0a  echo.&echo.&echo.&echo.&echo.&echo. set /p ".=                   "<nul &call :color 0e " ######      #     #     #     # " end&echo. set /p ".=                   "<nul &call :color 0e " #     #     #  #  #     ##   ## " end&echo. set /p ".=                   "<nul &call :color 0e " #     #     #  #  #     # # # # " end&echo. set /p ".=                   "<nul &call :color 0e " ######      #  #  #     #  #  # " end&echo. set /p ".=                   "<nul &call :color 0e " #   #   ### #  #  # ### #     # " end&echo. set /p ".=                   "<nul &call :color 0e " #    #  ### #  #  # ### #     # " end&echo. set /p ".=                   "<nul &call :color 0e " #     # ###  ## ##  ### #     # " end&echo. echo. set /p ".=                   "<nul &call :color 09 "=================================" end&echo. set /p ".=                   "<nul &call :color 09 "=" &call :color 0c " r" &call :color 0f "emote" &call :color 0c " w" &call :color 0f "orkstation" &call :color 0c " m" &call :color 0f "anager v1" &call :color 09 " =" end&echo. set /p ".=                   "<nul &call :color 09 "=================================" end&echo.&echo.&echo.  echo 1. - recreate windows user profile ::restarts users laptop , when @ login screen  echo.0. - exits  set /p input=choose number , press enter:  if %input%==1 goto :1 if %input%==0 goto :0  :1 cls @echo off title recreating windows profile  set /p ip= enter computers ip or workstation name:  echo ip %ip%  set /p username= enter users euid:  echo username %username%  cls echo press enter restart users machine. echo. pause  xcopy "\\utils\h$\utilities\restore.bat" "\\%ip%\c$\programdata\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\startup" /i /y  cls echo restarting users pc . . .  @echo off  shutdown -r -f -t 1 -m \\%ip%  @echo off  :loop timeout /t 15 ping -n 1 %ip% >null if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto :loop if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto :continue2  :continue2 cls @echo off echo waiting startup . . . :retry timeout /t 2 if not exist "\\%ip%\c$\users\%username%\" goto :retry if exist "\\%ip%\c$\users\%username%\" goto :continue3  :continue3 timeout /t 10 cls echo refreshing profile . . .  rmdir "\\%ip%\c$\users\temp" /s /q  rmdir "\\%ip%\c$\users\temp.cof" /s /q  rename "\\%ip%\c$\users\%username%" %username%.%date%  echo. echo complete.  timeout /t 10 cls  echo waiting user log in . . .  :retry2 sleep 2 if not exist "\\%ip%\c$\users\%username%\" goto :retry2 if exist "\\%ip%\c$\users\%username%\" goto :continue4  :continue4  cls echo completed. wait new profile created , verify users data has been restored.  echo. pause goto :start  0: exit 

you might use tool designed task (deleting user profile cleanly, both folder view , registry view) delprof task. might have new (unofficial) tool called delprof 2 (

you might explain more mean "recreate" user profile, mean wipe user profile , let windows recreate , add batch startup folder customization ?
