How to change the title text on the Magento sales email? -

how can change title text on sale email?

i in email when make order,

main website store: new order # 100000016 

i want change to,

[name of store]: new order # 100000016 

is possible? can change it?

also, in sale email content,

thank order main website store. once package ships send email link track order. if have questions order please contact @ or call @ monday - friday, 8am - 5pm pst.

your order confirmation below. thank again business.

where can change this? main website store?

the new order template files located in




you can edit these files directly, it's better create overwrite in magento backend:

system -> transactional emails -> add new template 

and choose new order / new order guest, click load template , edit mail template. template subject like:

{{var store.getfrontendname()}}: new order # {{var order.increment_id}} 

change to:

[name of store]: new order # {{var order.increment_id}} 
