java - Multiple attribute queries in Apache Lucene -

the below program satisfies query title has both lucene , action. if want search tupple isbn (considering isbn not unique) 1234 , title contains both lucene , dummies. lucene provide facility that.

 standardanalyzer analyzer = new standardanalyzer(version.lucene_40);  directory index = new ramdirectory();  indexwriterconfig config = new indexwriterconfig(version.lucene_40, analyzer);   indexwriter w = new indexwriter(index, config); adddoc(w, "lucene in action", "193398817");  adddoc(w, "lucene dummies", "55320055z");  adddoc(w, "managing gigabytes", "55063554a");   adddoc(w, "the art of computer science", "9900333x");    w.close();   private static void adddoc(indexwriter w, string title, string isbn) throws ioexception { document doc = new document(); doc.add(new textfield("title", title,; doc.add(new stringfield("isbn", isbn,;  w.adddocument(doc);  }    string querystr = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "lucene , action"; query q = new queryparser(version.lucene_40, "title", analyzer).parse(querystr); 

from top of head , queryparser class built query title field only, in order make query targets both title , isbn fields have make use of class multifieldqueryparser , query title:(lucene , dummies) , isbn:1234 or build booleanquery (this end with) hand multiple termquery objects .

i hope helps


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