javascript - Retrieving form data Node.js -

jade file:

form(method="post", action="/upload", enctype="multipart/form-data")       input(type="file", name="logname")       input#promptnumerrors(type="number", name="numerr", placeholder="number of errors")       button(type="submit") upload 


var express = require('express'); var router = express.router();  /* home page. */ router.get('/', function (req, res) {     res.render('fileupload', { title: 'log file viewer'}); });   var formidable = require('formidable'),     fs = require('fs'),     util = require('util'); //used print out log file   /* post file upload */'/upload', function (req, res) {      var form = new formidable.incomingform();      form.parse(req, function (err, fields, files) {          fs.readfile(files.logname.path, function (err, data) {             if (err) throw err;               // todo: getting form value             var numerror = req.body.numerr;             console.log(numerror);               var rediabtoa = /^(\[[^\]]*\]) (\w+?) (\[[^\]]*\]) (\([^)]*\)) (.*)$/gm;             var outputtodisplay = " ";               // check see if regex string works             if (rediabtoa.test(data)) {                  var array = data.tostring().split('\n');                  (l in array) {                      var logarray = (array[l]);                  }                  // use numprompt retrieve user input numerr                 var numprompt = 10;                  // reverse array recent errors show                 var newarray = array.reverse();                 var match;                 //count number of errors in log file                 var counterrors=0;                 var numcount = (counterrors-numprompt);                  (var j = -1; j <= newarray.length; j++) { // since newarray[0] contains empty string                       while ((match = rediabtoa.exec(newarray[j])) != null) {                          if (match.index === rediabtoa.lastindex) {                             rediabtoa.lastindex++;                         }                          if (match[2] === "error") {                              counterrors++;                              res.write('<p>' + "time " + match[1] + '<br/>');                             res.write("thread name: " + match[3] + '<br/>');                             res.write("source name & line number: " + match[4] + '<br/>');                             res.write("log message: " + match[5] + '<br/>');                             res.write('--------------------------------------' + '</p>');                          }                     }                 }                 console.log(counterrors);             }         })     }); }); 

it keeps saying numerror undefined whenever run through program. able read file input, not number input. ideas?

update: full index.js file.


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