r - make new dataframe meeting a specific criteria -

i have data frame 4 variables (a,b,c,d) , 365 entries per variable


a     b     c       d a1    b1    c1     d1  .     .     .       . .     .     .       .  a365 b365  c365   d365 

i need 2 things:

1) select row meets criteria of d > 0.28 , > 2.3. did using this:

cond_1 <- d > 0.28 & > 2.3 

lets say, first row meets criteria row 7. how can make new data frame starting row 7 onwards , discarding rows prior row 7? ( need include row after 7th row irrespective of whether meet criteria or not)

thanks lot

something example:

df[seq(min(with(df,which(d > 0.28 & > 2.3)))+1,nrow(df)),] 


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