json post httppost parameter missing for android -

in below code posting json string server. though have writtenn postparams.add(new basicnamevaluepair("json_data", jsonstr)); gives error parameter json_data not passed.

i not sure why giving me error.

orderjsonarray.put(order1); locationjsonarray.put(location1); locationjsonarray.put(location2); order1.put("locations", locationjsonarray);  jsonobject ordersobj = new jsonobject();  ordersobj.put("orders", orderjsonarray);  string jsonstr = ordersobj.tostring();  string contenttype = "application/json"; list<namevaluepair> postparams = new arraylist<namevaluepair>(); postparams.add(new basicnamevaluepair("json_data", jsonstr)); httpget httpget = null; try {     urlencodedformentity entity = new urlencodedformentity(postparams);     entity.setcontentencoding(http.utf_8);     entity.setcontenttype("application/json");     httppost.setentity(entity);      httppost.setheader("content-type", contenttype);     httppost.setheader("accept", contenttype); } catch (unsupportedencodingexception e) {  } httpresponse httpresponse = httpclient.execute(httppost);  inputstream = httpresponse.getentity().getcontent(); 

use below code

try {                                 httppost httppost1 = null;                                 httpclient httpclient1 = new defaulthttpclient();                                 if (userchk.equalsignorecase("client")) {                                     httppost1 = new httppost(                                             applicationdata.serviceurl                                             + "/clientlogin");                                 } else if (userchk.equalsignorecase("driver")) {                                     httppost1 = new httppost(                                             applicationdata.serviceurl                                             + "/driverlogin");                                 }                                  log.e("9", "9");                                  // add data                                 list<namevaluepair> namevaluepairs1 = new arraylist<namevaluepair>(                                         2);                                 namevaluepairs1.add(new basicnamevaluepair(                                         "vemail", email.gettext().tostring()));                                 namevaluepairs1.add(new basicnamevaluepair(                                         "vpassword", password.gettext()                                         .tostring()));                                  httppost1.setentity(new urlencodedformentity(                                         namevaluepairs1));                                 // execute http post request                                 httpresponse response1 = httpclient1                                         .execute(httppost1);                                 bufferedreader in1 = new bufferedreader(                                         new inputstreamreader(response1                                                 .getentity().getcontent()));                                 stringbuffer sb1 = new stringbuffer("");                                 string line1 = "";                                 while ((line1 = in1.readline()) != null) {                                     sb1.append(line1);                                 }                                 in1.close();                                 log.e(userchk + " login original data",                                         sb1.tostring());                                 return sb1.tostring();                             } catch (exception e) {                                 return "";                             } 


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