windows 7 - How do I get IzPack to add my application to the Start Menu? -

i've read whole manual twice , have xml build file setup except insert program start menu on windows (my test machine happens windows 7, imagine problem happen on vista) machines. option overlooking?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>  <shortcuts> <skipifnotsupported/>     <programgroup defaultname="myapp" location="applications"/>     <shortcut         name="myapp"         programgroup="yes"         desktop="no"         applications="yes"         startmenu="yes"         startup="no"         target="$install_path\myapp.jar"         commandline=""         description="myapp"         iconfile="%systemroot%\system32\shell32.dll"         iconindex="3">         <createforpack name="base"/>     </shortcut>     <shortcut         name="myapp documentation"         programgroup="yes"         desktop="no"         applications="yes"         startmenu="yes"         startup="no"         target="$install_path\myappman.pdf"         commandline=""         iconfile="%systemroot%\system32\shell32.dll"         iconindex="30"         description="myapp docs">         <createforpack name="manual"/>     </shortcut>                     <shortcut         name="myapp uninstaller"         programgroup="yes"         desktop="no"         applications="yes"         startmenu="yes"         startup="no"         target="$install_path\uninstaller\uninstaller.jar"         commandline=""         iconfile="%systemroot%\system32\shell32.dll"         iconindex="31"         description="uninstall myapp">         <createforpack name="base"/>     </shortcut> </shortcuts> 

from izpack doc : here

<programgroup> tag within shortcutspec.xml

the <programgroup> tag allows specify name of menu, or more precise, folder in shortcuts grouped. exact location , appearance of program group depends on specific target system on application installed, can partially control it. please note <programgroup> may appear once in specification. if more 1 instance occurs, first 1 used.
tag requires 2 attributes: defaultname , location. defaultname specifies name group menu should have on target system. should aware shortcutpanel present name user choice. user can edit name or select group exists. result, there no guarantee actual name of program group on target system identical specification. location specifies group menu should show up. there 2 choices: applications , startmenu. if use applications, menu placed in menu ordinarily used application shortcuts. applications recommended unix shortcuts.
if use startmenu, group menu placed @ top menu level available on target system. depending on target system, might not possible honor specification exactly. in such cases, shortcutpanel map choice location closely resembles choice. unix shortcuts not need support startmenu, because applications menu on highest level. means has no affect on thess platform.

check accepted answer here working example of shortcutspec.xml
