java - RandomIterator not producing random outputs -

public static void main(string args[]) {     // build queue containing integers 1,2,...,6:     randomizedqueue<integer> q= new randomizedqueue<integer>();     (int = 1; < 7; ++i) q.enqueue(i); // autoboxing! cool!      // print 30 die rolls standard output     stdout.print("some die rolls: ");     (int = 1; < 30; ++i) stdout.print(q.sample() +" ");     stdout.println();      // let's more serious: behave die rolls?     int[] rolls= new int [10000];     (int = 0; < 10000; ++i)         rolls[i] = q.sample(); // autounboxing! cool!     stdout.printf("mean (should around 3.5): %5.4f\n", stdstats.mean(rolls));     stdout.printf("standard deviation (should around 1.7): %5.4f\n",                   stdstats.stddev(rolls));      // let's @ iterator. first, make queue of colours:      randomizedqueue<string> c= new randomizedqueue<string>();     c.enqueue("red"); c.enqueue("blue"); c.enqueue("green"); c.enqueue("yellow");       iterator i= c.iterator();     iterator j= c.iterator();     iterator k= c.iterator();     iterator l= c.iterator();     iterator m= c.iterator();     iterator n= c.iterator();       stdout.print("two colours first shuffle: ");     stdout.print(" ");     stdout.print(" ");      stdout.print("\nentire second shuffle: ");     while (j.hasnext()) stdout.print(" ");      stdout.print("\nentire third shuffle: ");     while (k.hasnext()) stdout.print(" ");      stdout.print("\nentire fourth shuffle: ");     while (l.hasnext()) stdout.print(" ");      stdout.print("\nentire fifth shuffle: ");     while (m.hasnext()) stdout.print(" ");      stdout.print("\nentire sixth shuffle: ");     while (n.hasnext()) stdout.print(" ");      stdout.print("\nremaining 2 colours first shuffle: ");     stdout.print(" ");     stdout.println(; } 

i had borrowed client somewhere check randomizedqueue implementation . else works iterator part of not working . mean sample output 1 run :

some die rolls: 1 1 5 6 3 6 6 1 2 4 6 2 4 5 6 4 4 2 2 5 6 6 2 6 4 5 3 3 2  mean (should around 3.5): 3.4882 standard deviation (should around 1.7): 1.7069 2 colours first shuffle: yellow green  entire second shuffle: yellow green blue red  entire third shuffle: yellow green blue red  entire fourth shuffle: yellow green blue red  entire fifth shuffle: yellow green blue red  entire sixth shuffle: yellow green blue red  remaining 2 colours first shuffle: blue red 

iteration specific iterator should random on objects in randomizedqueue , each iterator should remember it's own specific order ( once declared ) . here code iterable , iterator :

import java.util.iterator; import java.util.nosuchelementexception; public class randomizedqueue<item> implements iterable<item> {     private item[] a;     private int n;     public randomizedqueue() {         = (item[]) new object[2];     }                // construct empty randomized queue     public boolean isempty() {         return n == 0;      }               // queue empty?     public int size() {         return n;     }                        // return number of items on queue     public void enqueue(item item) {         if (item == null) throw new nullpointerexception();         if (n == a.length) resize(2*a.length);    // double size of array if necessary         a[n++] = item;     }           // add item     private void resize(int capacity) {         assert capacity >= n;         item[] temp = (item[]) new object[capacity];         for(int = 0; < n; i++) {             temp[i] = a[i];         }         = temp;     }     public item dequeue() {         if(isempty()) throw new java.util.nosuchelementexception();         int random = stdrandom.uniform(n);  // generating number b/w 0 , n-1         // swap final element         item temp = a[random];         a[random] = a[n-1];         a[n-1] = temp;          item item = a[n-1];         a[n-1] = null;         n--;          if (n > 0 && n == a.length/4) resize(a.length/2);         return item;     }                   // delete , return random item     public item sample() {         if(isempty()) throw new java.util.nosuchelementexception();         int random = stdrandom.uniform(n);  // generating number b/w 0 , n-1         item item = a[random];         return item;     }                    // return (but not delete) random item     public iterator<item> iterator() {         return new randomiterator();     }        // return independent iterator on items in random order     private class randomiterator implements iterator<item> {         private int = n;         private item[] itemcopy = (item[]) new object[n];         public randomiterator() {            system.arraycopy(a, 0, itemcopy, 0, n);            stdrandom.shuffle(itemcopy, 0, n-1);         }         public boolean hasnext() { return > 0 ;}         public void remove()     { throw new unsupportedoperationexception(); }          public item next()            {              if(!hasnext()) throw new nosuchelementexception();             return a[--i];         }     } } 

stdin , stdout , stdrandom classes provided assignment functions have been used in program , work name suggests . why not different iterators producing random outputs. shuffle produces random permutation of objects . arraycopy copies 1 array . stdout.print behaves system.out.print

it looks correct me, let's check accuracy

some die rolls: 1 1 5 6 3 6 6 1 2 4 6 2 4 5 6 4 4 2 2 5 6 6 2 6 4 5 3 3 2  mean (should around 3.5): 3.4882 standard deviation (should around 1.7): 1.7069 

3.5 - 3.4882 = 0.0118


1.7 - 1.7069 = -0.069

both "around" expected values.



stdrandom.shuffle(itemcopy, 0, n-1); 

should be

stdrandom.shuffle(itemcopy, 0, n); 

also, share same iterator() way you're doing it

randomizedqueue<string> c= new randomizedqueue<string>(); c.enqueue("red"); c.enqueue("blue"); c.enqueue("green"); c.enqueue("yellow");   iterator i= new randomizedqueue<string>(c).iterator(); iterator j= new randomizedqueue<string>(c).iterator(); iterator k= new randomizedqueue<string>(c).iterator(); iterator l= new randomizedqueue<string>(c).iterator(); iterator m= new randomizedqueue<string>(c).iterator(); iterator n= new randomizedqueue<string>(c).iterator(); 
