c++ - Declaring an array with constant size - compilation error -

can me explain this:

i declare constant in headerfile:

const int incrsize; 

then in mil constant initialized:

: incrsize(10) 

then later on in function in code (its callback-function used in gtkmm-gui

 bool mywindow::on_drawing_expose_event(gdkeventexpose* event) 

i allocate array on stack using constant

double arrpxstep[incrsize]; 

when compiling following errors:

-expected constant expression - cannot allocate array if constant size 0 - arrpxstep unknown size 

i know constant initialzed - how come array cannot use constant memeber-variable alreade initialized in mil?

by looks of code post, incrsize non-static member of class. can't use initialize array, if value set same in constructor. it's rules.

make incrsize static const member, defined within class, , work.


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