ruby - Why are Faker's methods in several modules? -

i'm looking @ gem:

i use quite lot, , good, don't why of methods organised modules:

faker::code.isbn #=> "759021701-8" faker::address.longitude #=> "-156.65548382095133" faker::bitcoin.address #=> "1huogjmgchmnxxyhz87yytv4gvjfpaexmh" 

i have in factories:

factory :person, class: person     name { faker::lorem.word }     account { faker::bitcoin.address }      address { faker::address.longitude }     favourite_book { faker::code.isbn } end 

can include of modules test suite need this:

factory :person, class: person     name { word }     account { address }      address { longitude }     favourite_book { isbn } end 

i'm using rspec:

rspec.configure |config|   config.include factorygirl::syntax::methods   # doesn't work: config.include faker end 

why have bothered separating methods separate methods? make faster? surely negligible amount unless you've got insanely complex project? wouldn't better gem let betterfaker.word, betterfaker.address ect? easier remember :)

i willing venture authors of gem organize files in logical manner, , keep methods have different scopes in different places.
