javascript - Accessing the Spotify API data (i.e. tokens) from redirect_uri via nodejs then redirect to angular app -

hi i'm creating web application using node.js , angularjs. i'm new both technologies.

this app setup:

node.js + mongodb rest api - handle server side requests communicate spotify (http://localhost:3000)

angularjs - app (http://localhost:8080)

spotify has made it's spotify web api public. i'm trying retrieve access token (and refresh token) can make api calls them. able access_token & refresh_token, however, since i'm coming http://localhost:8080/test http://localhost:3000/spotifyapi/login initialize auth http://localhost:3000/spotifyapi/callback receive tokens.

if please help/guide me on how retrieve tokens/make api calls pass angularjs app, appreciated.

below codes:

i'm using grunt compile js 1 file in angular app

node.js api (http://localhost:3000/spotifyapi)


var spotifywebapi = require('spotify-web-api-node'); var request = require('request'); var querystring = require('querystring');  var client_id = config.spotify.client_id,  client_secret = config.spotify.client_secret,  redirect_uri = config.spotify.redirect_uri;  var spotifyapi = new spotifywebapi({  client_id: client_id,  redirect_uri: redirect_uri });  exports.login = function(req, res) {  var scope = 'user-read-private playlist-read playlist-read-private',     state = 'mixr-test';  res.redirect('' +     querystring.stringify({         response_type: 'code',         client_id: client_id,         scope: scope,         redirect_uri: redirect_uri,         state: state     })); };  exports.callback = function(req, res) { var code = req.query.code; var authoptions = {     url: '',     form: {         code: code,         redirect_uri: redirect_uri,         grant_type: 'authorization_code',         client_id: client_id,         client_secret: client_secret     },     json: true };, function(error, response, body) {     if (!error && response.statuscode == 200) {         var access_token = body.access_token,             refresh_token = body.refresh_token;          var options = {             url: '',             headers: {                 'authorization': 'bearer ' + access_token             },             json: true         };          // res.send(options);          res.redirect('http://localhost:8080/#/test#' +             querystring.stringify({                 access_token: access_token,                 refresh_token: refresh_token             }));     }      res.send({         access_token: access_token,         refresh_token: refresh_token     }); }); };  exports.refreshtoken = function(req, res) { var refresh_token = req.query.refresh_token;  var authoptions = {     url: 'https:/',     headers: {         'authorization': 'basic ' + (new buffer(client_id + ':' +             client_secret).tostring('base64'))     },     form: {         grant_type: 'refresh_token',         refresh_token: refresh_token     },     json: true };, function(error, response, body) {     if (!error && response.statuscode === 200) {         var access_token = body.access_token;         res.send({             'access_token': access_token         });     } }); }; 


module.exports = [   ['/spotifyapi', 'spotify#index', 'get'],   ['/spotifyapi/login', 'spotify#login', 'get'],   ['/spotifyapi/callback', 'spotify#callback', 'get'],   ['/spotifyapi/refreshtoken', 'spotify#refreshtoken', 'get'], ]; 

angularjs app (http://localhost:8080/test)


app.factory('spotifyservice', function($http) {  var apibaseurl = "http://localhost:3000";   return {     login: function(config) {         return $http.get(apibaseurl + '/spotifyapi/login');     },     callback: function(access_token, refresh_token) {         return $http.get(apibaseurl + '/spotifyapi/callback', {access_token:access_token, refresh_token:refresh_token});     },     refresh: function(refresh_token) {         return $http.get(apibaseurl + '/spotifyapi/refreshtoken', {access_token: access_token, refresh_token: refresh_token});     },     getusers: function(){         return http.get(apibaseurl + '/users');     }  }; }); 


app.controller('testctrl', ['$scope', 'spotifyservice', function($scope, spotifyservice) {      $scope.access_token = '';     $scope.refresh_token = '';      var getlogin = function() {          spotifyservice.login().success(function(data){             spotifyservice.callback(access_token, refresh_token).success(function(data){                 $scope.access_token = data.access_token;                 $scope.refresh_token = data.refresh_token;             }).error(function(data){                 console.log("error!" + data);             });         }).error(function(data){             console.log("error!" + data);         });     };  } ]); 


block content   div#container(ng-controller="spotifyctrl")     a(href="http://localhost:3000/spotifyapi/login" class="btn btn-large") login via spotify       p {{ access_token }}       p {{ refresh_token }} 

i'm able go spotify's login page -> authenticate. redirect_uri http://localhost:3000/spotifyapi/callback. when authentication finished, i'm able access_token , refresh_token i'm still on node.js api server , can't value angular service pass view. how redirect redirect_uri angular app , able retrieve access , refresh tokens via angular services?

i apologize lengthy post, i'm in road block right on how complete module.

thank in advance!


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