PHP foreach - parsed json from an array inside an array -

here part of json file:

{   "status": {      "http_code": 200   },   "contents": [     {       "fabrikatnavn": "jaguar",       "modelnavn": "420g",       "prisdetaildkk": 119900,       "statustyper": [         {           "statusid": -5,           "statusnavn": "benzin"         },         {           "statusid": -15,           "statusnavn": "momsfri"         },         {           "statusid": -11,           "statusnavn": "100-120.000"         }       ],         "imageids": [         {           "id": 79359         },         {           "id": 79360         },         {           "id": 79361         },         {           "id": 79370         }       ]     },     {       "fabrikatnavn": "opel",       "modelnavn": "corsa",       "prisdetaildkk": 135900,       "statustyper": [         {           "statusid": -4,           "statusnavn": "diesel"         },         {           "statusid": -15,           "statusnavn": "momsfri"         },         {           "statusid": -12,           "statusnavn": "120-140.000"         }       ],         "imageids": [         {           "id": 225794         },         {           "id": 225795         },         {           "id": 225796         },         {           "id": 225797         }       ]     },     {       "fabrikatnavn": "hyundai",       "modelnavn": "h1",       "prisdetaildkk": 14999,       "statustyper": [         {           "statusid": 13,           "statusnavn": "afhentning"         },         {           "statusid": -4,           "statusnavn": "diesel"         },         {           "statusid": -8,           "statusnavn": "0-60.000"         }       ],         "imageids": [         {           "id": 415605         },         {           "id": 415606         },         {           "id": 415607         },         {           "id": 415979         }       ]     }   ] } 

and here's php

<?php  $url = ''; $json= file_get_contents($url);  $data = json_decode($json); $rows = $data->{'contents'}; foreach ($rows $row) {     echo '<div>';     $fabrikatnavn = $row->fabrikatnavn;     $modelnavn = $row->modelnavn;     $prisdetaildkk = $row->prisdetaildkk;      // tried this, don't work -->     foreach($row->statustyper $statustyper) {         $stausid = $statustyper->statusid;         if ($stausid == '-15') { $moms = 'mm'; }         else { $moms = 'um'; }     }      echo '<div class=" ' . $moms . ' "> ';     echo $fabrikatnavn . $modelnavn . ' pris ' . $prisdetaildkk;     echo '</div>';     echo '</div>'; } 

as can see, values ​​in "statustyper" different, here have tried if else, can not work - returns'um' everytime what's wrong?

this because loop picks value of last condition met. need somehow tell php break loop if founds match $stausid == "-15" otherwise continue match $stausid != "-15" assigns value "um" $moms.

foreach($row->statustyper $statustyper) {     $stausid = $statustyper->statusid;      if ($stausid == "-15") {         // found match         $moms = 'mm';         // end execution of current loop         break;     } else {         // $stausid value not equal -15         // picking         $moms = 'um';     }  } 
