ASP.NET Postback error under Reverse Proxy with IIS 8.5, URL Rewrite 2.0 and ARR 3.0 -

i setup reverse proxy in iis in configuration problems postbacks. when click on submit button of proxied website 404 error. url in browser address bar changed rewritten url.

for example, website need proxy here , separate web applications. host running virtual folder under

i want access host url: http://me.local/myhost. in iis me.local web application , myhost added application child of me.local. works fine long don't click on submit button anywhere on proxied website. once page http://me.local/host results in 404 error. when @ page's html source form's action url set correctly /myhost

why error happen? possible fix in iis, or need make changes host application?

my server running iis 8.5. host server old 1 iis 6, , web application can 1.1 or 2.0.

the section rewrite rules web.config of "myhost" application is:

<configuration>     <system.webserver>         <rewrite>             <rules>                  <rule name="route requests host" stopprocessing="true">                      <match url="^(.*)" />                      <conditions>                          <add input="{cache_url}" pattern="^(https?)://" />                      </conditions>                      <action type="rewrite" url="{c:1}://{r:1}" />                      <servervariables>                          <set name="http_accept_encoding" value="" />                      </servervariables>                  </rule>                 <rule name="hosttodefault" stopprocessing="true">                     <match url="^" />                     <conditions>                         <add input="{request_method}" pattern="^post$" negate="true" />                     </conditions>                     <action type="redirect" url="default.aspx" appendquerystring="false" />                 </rule>                 <rule name="redirectuserfriendlyurl1" stopprocessing="true">                     <match url="^(.*)default\.aspx$" />                     <conditions>                         <add input="{request_method}" pattern="^post$" negate="true" />                     </conditions>                     <action type="redirect" url="(.*)" appendquerystring="false" />                 </rule>             </rules>              <outboundrules>                  <rule name="reverseproxyoutboundrule1" precondition="responseishtml1">                      <match filterbytags="a, area, base, form, frame, head, iframe, img, input, link, script" pattern="^http(s)?://*)" />                      <action type="rewrite" value="/{r:2}" />                  </rule>                  <rule name="nonhostrewriterelativepaths" precondition="responseishtml1">                      <match filterbytags="a, area, base, form, frame, head, iframe, img, input, link, script" pattern="^/(?!host)(.*)" negate="false" />                      <action type="rewrite" value="{r:1}" />                  </rule>                  <rule name="hostrelativepaths" precondition="responseishtml1">                      <match filterbytags="a, area, base, form, frame, head, iframe, img, input, link, script" pattern="^/host/(.*)" negate="false" />                      <action type="rewrite" value="/myhost/{r:1}" />                  </rule>                 <rule name="outboundrewriteuserfriendlyurl1" precondition="responseishtml1">                     <match filterbytags="a, form, img" pattern="^(.*)myhost/default\.aspx$" />                     <action type="rewrite" value="{r:1}/myhost/default" />                 </rule>                                  <preconditions>                      <precondition name="responseishtml1">                          <add input="{response_content_type}" pattern="^text/html" />                      </precondition>                  </preconditions>              </outboundrules>         </rewrite>         <urlcompression dostaticcompression="false" dodynamiccompression="false" />     </system.webserver> </configuration> 
