symfony - Render template into Symfony2 with ajax -

i have action in controller index route


index: pattern: /index defaults: { _controller:acmedemobundle:default:index } 

controller path

public function indexaction() {     return $this->render('acmedemobundle:plugin:index.html.twig'); } 

and index.html.twig template

{% extends'::base.html.twig' %}  {% block stylesheets %}     {% stylesheets filter='cssrewrite' output='css/*.css'             'bundles/acmedemo/css/*'  %}     <link href="{{ asset_url }}" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />     {% endstylesheets %}     {% endblock stylesheets %}  {% block body %} <br> <div class="container">  <div class="wp_attachment_holder">      <div class="imgedit-response" id="imgedit-response-8"></div>      <div class="wp_attachment_image" id="media-head-8">         <p id="thumbnail-head-8"><img class="thumbnail" src="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/121-1024x583.jpeg" style="max-width:100%" alt=""></p>         <p><a class="btn btn-sm btn-default" id="edik-wp-extended-edit">Редактировать</a> <span class="spinner"></span></p>     </div>     <div style="display:none" class="image-editor" id="image-editor-8">     </div> </div> <div id="output"></div> <img class="thumbnail"  data-attach-id="8" data-src="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/121-1024x583.jpeg" style="max-width:100%" alt="">     <script>             $('#edik-wp-extended-edit').click(function() {                 window.location= routing.generate('ajax'); //                $('#output').load('/ajax/index');             });         </script>     </div> {% endblock %}` 

when button Редактировать clicked want load template ajax.




ajax: pattern: /ajax/index defaults: { _controller :acmedemobundle:default:ajax } options:     expose: true 

controller path

public function ajaxaction() {     $template = $this->renderview('acmedemobundle:plugin:another.html.twig');     return new response($template); } 

but when click button uri /ajax/index. want stays /index , template rendered index template

what doing wrong?


first, ajaxaction() should bit different far know, me works:

    $template = $this->forward('acmedemobundle:plugin:another.html.twig')->getcontent();      $json = json_encode($template);     $response = new response($json, 200);     $response->headers->set('content-type', 'application/json');     return $response; 

what forward() function renders template , gives rendered html code.

in javascript file should this

$.ajax({     type: "post",     datatype: 'json',     url: routing.generate('ajax'),     async: false //you won't need if nothing in following code dependend of result }) .done(function(response){     template = response;     $('#your_div').html(template.html); //change html of div id = "your_div"                         }) .fail(function(jqxhr, textstatus, errorthrown){     alert('error : ' + errorthrown); }); 

you make ajax call ajaxaction, return html of template want rendered.

after need add <div id="your_div"></div> @ position want template rendered. workes me.

to mention need break down ajax template code should shown.
