shell - Batch Script Comparison -

i doing comparison using batch script, can search string , states if exists or not, having trouble when string has 2 sections: please see code below,

@echo off  set key0="first number"="1000"  set key1="first number" set key2== set key3="1000"  set key4=%key1%%key2%%key3%  /f "tokens=*" %%a in (file.txt) call :processline %%a  findstr /x %key4% file.txt if %errorlevel%==0 (  echo key exists ) else ( echo no ) pause goto :eof 

if search key0 or key4 result no. if search key1, key2 or key3 key exists....

any ideas on how search string containing 2 separate words in quotes?

a working solution is:

@echo off  set key0=\"first number\"=\"1000\"  set key1=\"first number\" set key2== set key3=\"1000\"  set key4=%key1%%key2%%key3%  findstr /x /c:"%key4%" file.txt if %errorlevel%==0 (    echo key exists ) else (    echo no ) pause 
  1. each double quote in search string must escaped backslash.
  2. option /c: must used literal string search instead of regular expression search.
  3. the entire search string must in double quotes because of containing space character.

i used documentation of findstr microsoft , of command output in command prompt window after entering findstr /?


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