C++ runtime API -

i want create application that, when executed, has runtime functions accessible other applications.

for example, c++ application stores values in files , retrieves information. while application running, other c++ applications access it's save , retrieve functionality save , retrieve data, should have no other connection system.

sounds simple job web services, or remote database, or ldap server.

store , retrieve operations common of these.

if goal learn specific technology, ask more specific question. otherwise, don't reinvent wheels. there plenty of things out there store , retrieve.

one of simplest "store , retrieve" apis know of berkeley db or sleepycat.

we built giant, clustered, simple key based database major telecom company using ldap on top of berkeley db (aka sleepycat). open-source software , commodity hardware , supports mission critical operations millions of customers.

a more modern rendition of might use memcached well.

if go http based, can use simple libcurl against apache web server implement "restful" services , put commands.

if run locally (same server), , access via localhost ( there little latency in tcp stack, , amounts little more memcpys @ kernel level.
