http - C++ how to send protobuf message -

can please give me sample code this? i've been reading , looking @ tutorials seem cover how create proto files , generate message classes , how populated message. cannot figure out how send message once have it.

here populating message:

testmessage message; message.set_personname("lucy"); message.set_image(data, elemsize);  string out; message.serializetostring(&out); 
  1. did serialize message or still need write out buffer? need check code believe object serialized string might need protobufs.

  2. once have serialized class send, code transmit on http url? mean there google provided methods this? if so, they? if not, should use?

please note complete noob @ c++. please forgive me if seems if didn't enough research. it's more more confused get. there seems many options. 1 do.


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