yii - Not able to create Table through YIIC Migreate create -

i started learning yii framework , facing issue while trying create table through yiic migrate. below code of table.

class m140627_072906_create_test_table extends cdbmigration {    public function up()    {         $this->create('tbl_locations',             array(                 'id'=>'pk',                 'location_name'=>'string not null',                 'create_time'=>'datetime not null',                 'create_user_id'=>'int(11) not null',                 'update_time'=>'datetime not null',                 'update_user_id'=>'int(11) not null',             ), 'engine=innodb'         ); } } public function down() {     echo "m140627_072906_create_test_table not support migration down.\n";     return false; } } 

my project under c:\wamp\www\bookmyroom\ , below folder structure

c:\wamp\www\bookmyroom>dir volume in drive c has no label. volume serial number 5291-fe18 directory of c:\wamp\www\bookmyroom

06/25/2014  08:58 pm    <dir>          . 06/25/2014  08:58 pm    <dir>          ..     06/27/2014  12:32 pm    <dir>          assets 06/25/2014  07:05 pm    <dir>          css 06/25/2014  09:04 pm    <dir>          framework 06/25/2014  07:05 pm    <dir>          images 06/25/2014  07:05 pm               466 index-test.php 06/25/2014  09:10 pm               456 index.php 06/25/2014  07:08 pm    <dir>          nbproject 06/25/2014  07:05 pm    <dir>          protected 06/25/2014  07:05 pm    <dir>          themes                2 file(s)            922 bytes                9 dir(s)   8,986,624,000 bytes free 

i runned yiic migrate command inside protected folder. getting below error while running migrate command.

c:\wamp\www\bookmyroom\protected>yiic migrate  yii migration tool v1.0 (based on yii v1.1.14)  total 1 new migration applied: m140627_074906_create_table_locations  apply above migration? (yes|no) [no]:y *** applying m140627_074906_create_table_locations exception 'cexception' message 'm140627_074906_create_table_locations ,     behaviors not have method or closure named "create".' in  c:\wamp\www\yii\framework\base\ccomponent.php:266 stack trace: #0          c:\wamp\www\bookmyroom\protected\migrations\m140627_074906_create_table_locations.php (16): ccomponent->__call('create', array) #1              c:\wamp\www\bookmyroom\protected\migrations\m140627_074906_create_table_locations.php (16): m140627_074906_create_table_locations->create('tbl_locat ions', array, 'engine=innodb') #2 c:\wamp\www\yii\framework\cli\commands\migratecommand.php(385):             m140627_074906_create_table_locations->up() #3 c:\wamp\www\yii\framework\cli\commands\migratecommand.php(109):  migratecommand->migrateup('m140627_074906_...') #4 [internal function]: migratecommand->actionup(array) #5 c:\wamp\www\yii\framework\console\cconsolecommand.php(172):  reflectionmethod->invokeargs(object(migratecommand), array) #6 c:\wamp\www\yii\framework\console\cconsolecommandrunner.php(71):  cconsolecommand->run(array) #7 c:\wamp\www\yii\framework\console\cconsoleapplication.php(92):  cconsolecommandrunner->run(array) #8 c:\wamp\www\yii\framework\base\capplication.php(180):  cconsoleapplication->processrequest() #9 c:\wamp\www\yii\framework\yiic.php(33): capplication->run() #10 c:\wamp\www\bookmyroom\protected\yiic.php(7): require_once('c:\wamp\www\yii...') #11 {main} 

can please check , let me know error facing. if there rectification require kindly let me know.

thank in advance kind support.

thanks! robindra singha

try using execute

$this->execute("create table `tbl_locations` (                 'location_name'=>'string not null',                 'create_time'=>'datetime not null',                 'create_user_id'=>'int(11) not null',                 'update_time'=>'datetime not null',                 'update_user_id'=>'int(11) not null'                 primary key (`id`),         ) engine=innodb"); 
