javascript - Remove an event listener from a component only based off of its function name - Ext Js -

alright have viewport divided 2 halves, top , bottom. top half has combo boxes , input fields visible, bottom half has tab panel multiple tabs.

when change 1 of static combo boxes on top half, i'll call combo box a, fires event , in event handler, a_handler, attempt style combo box in 1 of tabs, i'll call combo box b, may 1 of 2 things.

combo box b visible on tab 2, not 1.

so then:

1) if tab 1 active, setup event handler style combo box b when tab 2 made active.

2) otherwise, style it.

so here's problem: initial combo box, a, can style combo box b 1 of 2 possible ways, depending on selection, red , blue.

so imagine situation tab 1 visible, , select option style b red, event handler created when tab 2 activated. then, without activating tab 2, change option again in combo a, make box b blue.

at point, need remove first event handler 1 fired.

i not have reference event handlers, have named them.

i have created functions acquire list of event listeners on tab 2, , know name of listener remove, can match names, scopes not same when attempt remove them tab's removelistener, nothing happens.


eventually found solution this.

the un or removelistener functions setup this:

un( eventname, fn, [scope] )

my problem did not have reference specific handler pass in fn

the solution involves finding fn ref searching fn name.

so when event listener created, setup name:

mytab.on('activate', function dosomestuff() {

later on when need check if exists/possibly remove it:

objecthasnamedlistener: function(obj, eventtype, name) {   var listeners =[eventtype].listeners;    //trim functionality since .trim() doesn't exist in old ie   name = name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');    if (listeners != undefined) {      (var = 0; < listeners.length; i++) {         var func = listeners[i].fn;         var funcstr = func.tostring();         var funcname = funcstr.substr('function'.length);         funcname = funcname.substr(0, funcname.indexof('('));         funcname = funcname.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');         if (funcname == name) {            return true;         }      }   }   return false; }, 

and if returns true, reference handler:

if (this.objecthasnamedlistener(mytab, "activate", "dosomestuff")) {     var listener = this.getnamedlistener(mytab, "activate", "dosomestuff");     mytab.removelistener("activate", listener, this); }     getnamedlistener: function(obj, eventtype, name) {     var listeners =[eventtype].listeners;      name = name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');      if (listeners != undefined) {        (var = 0; < listeners.length; i++) {           var func = listeners[i].fn;           var funcstr = func.tostring();           var funcname = funcstr.substr('function'.length);           funcname = funcname.substr(0, funcname.indexof('('));           funcname = funcname.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');            if (funcname == name) {              return func;           }        }     }      return null;   }, 

the other caveat listener had created , removed same scope passed in, despite fact listed [optional] in api, passing in worked fine
