ruby on rails - What's the better practice to reuse the where query -

how reuse same queries in 2 methods ?

.where(sony_alarm_tests: {ip: sony_alarm_test.ip}) .where(sony_alarm_tests: {round: sony_alarm_test.round}) .where(sony_alarm_tests: {firmware_version: sony_alarm_test.firmware_version}) 

the trouble me queries depends on .joins(:sony_alarm_test).

i have no idea ? thanks

  def previous(     sonyalarmlog.joins(:sony_alarm_test)     .where{ (my{self.utc_time} - time_correction) }     .where{ name =~ event_name }     .where(sony_alarm_tests: {ip: sony_alarm_test.ip})     .where(sony_alarm_tests: {round: sony_alarm_test.round})     .where(sony_alarm_tests: {firmware_version: sony_alarm_test.firmware_version})   end    def following(         sonyalarmlog.joins(:sony_alarm_test)     .where{ name =~ event_name }     .where{ (my{utc_time} + time_correction) }     .where(sony_alarm_tests: {ip: sony_alarm_test.ip})     .where(sony_alarm_tests: {round: sony_alarm_test.round})     .where(sony_alarm_tests: {firmware_version: sony_alarm_test.firmware_version})   end 

you can create scope this.

i have taken following content explain-nation

scoping allows specify commonly-used queries can referenced method calls on association objects or models. these scopes, can use every method covered such where, joins , includes. scope methods return activerecord::relation object allow further methods (such other scopes) called on it.

you can create scope

class post < activerecord::base    scope :published, -> { where(published: true) } end 

to call published scope can call following way

post.published # => [published posts] 

you can refer


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