Get byte[] in C# from char* in C++ -

in c# have data type byte[], want fill in using c++ function returns char*

the c++ function (in imagedata.dll)

char* pmemorybuffer = null; char* loaddata(const char *filename) {     // processing pmemorybuffer ...     return pmemorybuffer;   } 

import native dll c#:

    [dllimport(".\\modules_native\\imagedata.dll", entrypoint = "loaddata")]    private extern static byte[] loaddata(string filename); 

the byte[] data in c#

byte[] buffer = new byte[256*256]; buffer = loaddata("d:\\mypic.tif"); 

apparently not working yet, presents idea of want do. wondering how make work, , right way it. education.

try this

// c++      void loaddata(unsigned char* *pmemorybuffer, const char *filename)     {         // processing pmemorybuffer ...         *pmemorybuffer = resutss;      } 

import native dll c#:

[dllimport(".\\modules_native\\imagedata.dll", entrypoint = "loaddata")] private extern static void loaddata(out intptr data, string filename); 

when function returns data point array , can read contents using marshal class. guess copy new byte array.

byte[] buffer = new byte[256*256]; buffer = marshal.copy(loaddata(buffer ,"d:\\mypic.tif"), buffer , 0, buffer.length); 
