javascript - Beginner in Angular. What's wrong? -

i'm following tutorial in youtube...i believe did correct, it's refuses work...on video @ youtube it's works charme, can't make works locally. clue ? there no error or result on screen. it's blank page.

in controller.js...

var demoapp = angular.module('demoapp',[]); //routes demoapp.config(function ($routeprovider){ $routeprovider     .when('/view1',     {         controller : 'simplecontroller',         templateurl : 'view1.html'     })     .otherwise('/',     {         redirectto : '/view1'     }); });  //controllers demoapp.controller('simplecontroller' , function ($scope) {     $scope.familyarray = [     { name : 'me ', city : 'london'},     {name : 'wife', city : 'st. matheus'},     {name : 'son', city : 'ipswich'} ]; }); 

in index.html. i've...

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html xmlns="" data-ng-app="demoapp"> <head>     <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type" />     <title>my title</title> </head> <body> <div>     <div data-ng-view="">      </div> </div>     <script src="./css_and_js/angular.min.js"></script>     <script src="./css_and_js/controller.js"></script> </body> 

..and last, view1.html...

<div class="container"> name:<br> <input type="text" data-ng-model=filter."nameinput"><br><br> hello, {{name}} <ul>     <li data-ng-repeat="data in familyarray | filter : filter.nameinput | orderby: 'city'">{{}} - {{ | lowercase}}</li> </ul> add name : <br> <input type="text" data-ng-model=""> <br> </ul> add city : <br> <input type="text" data-ng-model=""> <br> <a href="#/view2">view 2</a> 

also, i've no idea how debug it...on chrome console, it's show : uncaught object @ angular.min.js:6

update...after receive suggestions change code...actually i'm facing blank page result no error message on console. let me update code:

controller.js: var demoapp = angular.module('demoapp',['ngroute']); //routes demoapp.config(function ($routeprovider){ $routeprovider .when('/view1', { controller : 'simplecontroller', templateurl : 'view1.html' }) .otherwise('/', { redirectto : '/view1' }); }); //controllers demoapp.controller('simplecontroller' , function ($scope) { $scope.familyarray = [ { name : 'marco jr', city : 'london'}, {name : 'rosana valkovics', city : 'são matheus'}, {name : 'fernando valkovics', city : 'ipswich'} ]; });

my view1.html:

`<div class="container"> name:<br> <input type="text" data-ng-model="filter.nameinput"><br><br> hello, {{name}} <ul>     <li data-ng-repeat="data in familyarray | filter : filter.nameinput | orderby: 'city'">{{}} - {{ | lowercase}}</li> </ul> add name : <br> <input type="text" data-ng-model=""> <br> </ul> add city : <br> <input type="text" data-ng-model=""> <br> <a href="#/view2">view 2</a> </div>` 

my index.html: no changes.

actually there no exceptions, i'm still facing blank page :(

angular works html5. have wrong doctype. need:

<!doctype html> 

also, take xmlns="" out of html tag.

regarding debugging, should never use minified version of debugging.
