android - Ignore whole class if subclass contains unwanted value with jsoup -

i in activity:

document doc = jsoup.connect(                 );                 elements questions ="table.mon_list");                 elements td ="td.list:not(.inline_header)"); 

the website connects substitute teacher plan. gets me elements contain data of affected school class, lesson, teacher, etc. gets school classes , want elements 1 specific school class. lets want ones contain 9c, how can ignore other ones?

<tr class="list odd"> <td class="list" align="center">9c</td><td class="list" align="center">5</td><td class="list" align="center">lÜb</td><td class="list" align="center">ph</td><td class="list" align="center">ph1</td><td class="list" align="center">lÜb</td><td class="list" align="center">raum-vtr.</td><td class="list" align="center">&nbsp;</td> </tr> 

depending on desired scope of search, want 1 of :contains(), :containsown(), :matches() , :matchesown() selectors.

to select table cells in table rows containing 9c, you'd use tr:contains(9c) td; note while selector applied tr, child elements searched. if instead used td:contains(9c), you'd single cell, not siblings in row (though iterate on returned elements' siblings, of course). can't fetch url provided due certificate error, can't give exact query need, should started.
