awk - Fill empty columns with 0 -

i have file structure:

1   11827796    2   300 t:0.96  c:0.04  t  1   11827816    1   300 g:1 g 

for lines in file have 6 columns instead of 7, want insert 0 between 5th , 6th column have output:

1   11827796    2   300 t:0.96  c:0.04  t 1   11827816    1   300 g:1     0   g 

any idea on how can achieve awk.

thanks lot in advance.

here 1 solution:

awk 'nf==6 {$5=$5" 0"}1' file |column -t 1  11827796  2  300  t:0.96  c:0.04  t 1  11827816  1  300  g:1     0       g 

if there 6 fields, add 0 , fix column width.
