How to use camel recipentList -

i try camel route working using recipentlist. first question: difference beween

  • multicast / recipentlist (both without parallel processing)
  • multiple "to" ?

in case want parallel processing of routes. @ moment use multiple

"to" added within loop:

routedefinition someroute = createsomerout(frompart, id); \\ method (string pcrftarget : cepconfig.pcrfceptargets()) {" " + pcrftarget); + "?mode=" +; } 

is there direct way use recipientlist , add parallelprocessing @ end? tried create simple example fails (the example in books , internet 1 using/manipulating header :-(). here example (error):

public class experiments extends cameltestsupport {     private static final string mock2 = "mock:mock2";     private static final string mock1 = "mock:mock1";     private static string pcrf_test_files;      public experiments() throws urisyntaxexception {         pcrf_test_files = classloader.getsystemresource("pcrf-files").touri().tostring();     }      @test     public void test() throws interruptedexception {         mockendpoint mockin = getmockendpoint(mock1);         mockendpoint mockout = getmockendpoint(mock2);         mockin.expectedmessagecount(5);         mockout.expectedmessagecount(5);         // data in mock available after call         assertmockendpointssatisfied();     }      /*      * (non-javadoc)      *      * @see org.apache.camel.test.junit4.cameltestsupport#createroutebuilder()      */     @override     protected routebuilder createroutebuilder() throws exception {         return new routebuilder() {              @override             public void configure() throws exception {                 //from(pcrf_test_files + "?noop=true").unmarshal().gzip().to(mock1).to(mock2); //working                 from(pcrf_test_files + "?noop=true").unmarshal().gzip().recipientlist(method(experiments.class)).parallelprocessing(); //not working             }         };     }      @recipientlist     public string[] recipents() {         return new string[] { mock1, mock2 };     }  } 

i error:

org.apache.camel.camelexecutionexception: exception occurred during execution on exchange: exchange[edr_upcc244_mpu842_0370_20140428000008.csv.gz] ... caused by: java.lang.assertionerror: expected null, was:<[b@48d19957> 

i think reason camel tries use content of files recipients?! provide example how dynamically create recipentlist not based on data comes exchange on independent data (in case given in configuration).


mixing @recipientlist , recipientlist() not possible stated in camel documentation (section "using method call recipient list"). thus, use 1 or other.

1. use recipientlist()

remove @recipientlist method:

// no @recipientlist annotation public string[] recipents() {     return new string[] { mock1, mock2 }; } 

and define route follows:

from("direct:start")     .recipientlist()     .method(experiments.class)  // may define method name if there more 1     .parallelprocessing(); 


from("direct:start")     .recipientlist(method(experiments.class))  // may define method name if there more 1     .parallelprocessing(); 

2. use @recipientlist

@recipientlist used bean:

from("direct:start")     .bean(experiments.class);  // may define method name if there more 1 

to achieve parallel processing, need add parallelprocessing attribute @recipientlist annotation:

@recipientlist(parallelprocessing = true) public string[] recipents() {     return new string[] { mock1, mock2 }; } 
