ssl - Apple push notification service for MDM -

i've read tutorial apple push notification here

due it, have provide app id identify application receive notification. in case of mdm server, receiver built-in client, value have put in field "app id" when register ssl certificate

on question i've post, answered in case of mdm, field "topic" used built-in client receive notification. topic put in mdm payload server sent client. how server register field apns

thank all,

1) don't go through usual push certificate creation route.

what following

  • you create csr apns request signging certificate
  • you send apple , apple sign it, have apns request signing certificate
  • each custom create apns csr , send you
  • you sign apns request signing certificate
  • you return apns csr customer
  • the customer upload apple
  • apple sign it
  • now, customer has apns certificate
  • the customer uploads mdm server

all of these described in lengthy details in mdm protocol documentaion.

2)here how topic shared between client , server

  • apns certificate signed apple have topic in (in uid part of dn)
  • your mdm server should extract apns certificate , put in mdm payload.
  • this payload delievered device , os send buil-it client
  • now, both server , built-in client know shared topic.
